Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Why we Want to be Here – a Message...
This article originally appeared on Upon learning that we would be released next week – a month after our emergency call-up to fight this war – my reserve unit drafted...
Aug 6, 2014
By OU Staff
Rabbi Noach Weinberg z”tl on Israel’s Battles
While the founder of Aish HaTorah gave this speech in Jerusalem years ago, it rings true today, in particular given the recent weeks of fighting in Gaza and anti-Semitic incidents in...
Aug 5, 2014
By OU Staff
The Human Tragedy of Tisha B’av
One of the biggest challenges of Tisha b’Av is finding the strength to feel pain that has had thousands of years to heal. For many people, the day ruefully memorializes our...
Aug 5, 2014
By Rabbi Eliyahu Fink
The Other Side of Me
As our apartment door closed behind me a tidal wave of guilt, sadness and pain washed over me. I could swear my three-month old daughter Emma was screaming at me as...
Jul 31, 2014
By Hannah Farkas
Tisha B’av in Chile
Tisha B’av in Chile
In July 2006, as a young and curious college student, I arrived in Santiago, Chile for a semester as an exchange student at one of the country’s universities. I had the...
Jul 31, 2014
By Rachel Cohen
Courage: Rabbi Yisroel Spira z”tl of Bluzhev
Ours is a time of confusion. Neither Orwell nor Jonathan Swift could have better imagined a world in which black is white, left is right, or up is down. Crass materialism...
Jul 31, 2014
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
Not My Usual Column
Not My Usual Column
I know you are used to me writing on matters of health, fitness, lifestyle, nutrition and the like. But now I am going to take advantage of my column space and...
Jul 31, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Putting East Brunswick On The Map
As first time participants in the OU Home and Job Relocation Fair (popularly known as the OU Jewish Communities Fair), representatives of the Young Israel of East Brunswick (YIEB) in central...
Jul 31, 2014
By Batya Rosner
5 Steps to a Perfect Apology
5 Steps to a Perfect Apology
As we enter the Nine Days, we are reminded of the Talmudic dictum, “kol dor she lo nivneh b’yamav, k’ilu hechrivo,” “each generation in which the Holy Temple is not rebuilt...
Jul 31, 2014
By Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin
Rabbi Weinreb’s Journal: OU Solidarity Mission to Israel 2014
Thursday, July 24 Chavi and I arrived on El Al. The flight was full, and the landing was fine and secure, baruch Hashem. Friday, July 25 We went to OU Israel,...
Jul 29, 2014
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

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