Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

My War Story: A New Torah for Sderot
My War Story: A New Torah for Sderot
This summer has been incredibly difficult for our brothers and sisters in Israel. Instead of vacationing with their families or making memories at day camps, most Israeli children have spent the...
Aug 21, 2014
By Nachum Segal
Changing the Face of Women’s Jewish Education on Campus:  JLIC Queens College Launches Full-Fledged Midrasha
Changing the Face of Women’s Jewish Education on Campus:...
When Rabbi Robby and Shoshana Charnoff arrived at Queens College two years ago as the inaugural Torah Educators of the Orthodox Union’s Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) program at...
Aug 18, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Is Leisure Kosher?
The Jewish attitude to leisure is complex and reveals a fundamental divide over religion. The New York Times recently reported that a Chasidic camp had ceased sports activities. If taken at...
Aug 18, 2014
By Rabbi Gil Student
Lone Soldier Parents:  A Balance of Pride and Fear
Lone Soldier Parents: A Balance of Pride and...
While the current ceasefire brings the battle between Israel and Hamas to another tenuous halt, 6,000 miles away, American parents of IDF “lone soldiers” continue to hold their breath. According to...
Aug 14, 2014
By Bayla Sheva Brenner
Eikev: With All Your Hearts and All Your Souls
All over the world, every day, as they have for millennia, Jews recite the three chapters of the Shema. The first chapter is found in Parashat VaEtchanan, last week’s Torah reading....
Aug 13, 2014
By Rabbi Ari Kahn
Three Questions to Ask Your Local Atheist
Three Questions to Ask Your Local Atheist
Imagine you are standing in an orchard filled with orange trees in full blossom. The branches are heavy with ripe, succulent oranges stretching out as far as the eye can see....
Aug 13, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Let’s Talk About Depression and Mental Health
Let’s Talk About Depression and Mental Health
This article originally appeared on It’s time we had a conversation about mental health. Two weeks ago, I lost a dear friend to a toxic combination of severe mental illness...
Aug 12, 2014
By Rabbi Eliyahu Fink
Yad B’Yad 2014: Inclusion and Friendship Know No Borders
Yad B’Yad 2014: Inclusion and Friendship Know No Borders
In one week, the staff of Yachad was able to accomplish what normally takes months of planning. When recent events in Israel rerouted summer plans to the West Coast for 190...
Aug 12, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Where is Hashem?
Where is Hashem?
Reprinted with permission from Imagine you are seated in an ornate concert hall. The upholstery is stately, the ambiance thick. Suddenly, the house lights dim. The stage is dark. Slowly,...
Aug 7, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Armed With Love – NCSY Summer 2014
Armed With Love – NCSY Summer 2014
Shoshana and Dr. Yitzchok Schechter heard about Hamas’s rampant rocket attacks while driving their daughter to the airport. Ayelet, 15, was flying to Israel for NCSY’s Michlelet program. Their son, Yoni,...
Aug 6, 2014
By Bayla Sheva Brenner

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