Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

A Good Reason Not to Lose Faith in the Rabbinate – the Rebbetzins
A Good Reason Not to Lose Faith in the...
This article originally appeared on In the wake of the recent horrific rabbinic scandal there has been a loud call for the inclusion of more women’s voices in the administration...
Nov 20, 2014
By Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg
Hashem Loves You More than You Love Yourself
Hashem Loves You More than You Love Yourself
The Chovos HaLevavos explains that in order to have bitachon, you must realize that Hashem cares about you in a very real way. You must appreciate that Hashem is deeply concerned...
Nov 19, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Orthodox Union and RCA Request Communal Tehillim Tonight
We are all deeply shocked and saddened by the horrific terrorist attack this morning upon the Kehillat Yaakov shul in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem. The murderers violated the kedushat...
Nov 18, 2014
By OU Staff
Instagram and Jewish Law
Instagram and Jewish Law
This article originally appeared on  New media and technology still fall under the classical rules of ethics. Their usage can and must be examined with an open mind but with...
Nov 18, 2014
By Rabbi Gil Student
The Mind and the Heart: Reflections on the Rabbi Freundel Story
The Mind and the Heart: Reflections on the Rabbi...
As one of a small group of children who grew up as members of the Kesher Israel Synagogue in Washington, DC, where Rabbi Barry Freundel served as rabbi, I have found...
Nov 13, 2014
By Hani Lowenstein
Is Hashem Angry with Me?
Is Hashem Angry with Me?
“The second question is,” I said, “what could you do to make Hashem angry? “Let’s say that you decided, ‘That’s it. I’m fed up with Hashem, and I’m going to do...
Nov 13, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Eli Hagler’s Looking For Your Reaction
Once a week you’ll find Eli Hagler in the radio studio down the hall from his office at OU headquarters in lower Manhattan. An energetic, articulate personality with a curious, charming...
Nov 6, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz: Holocaust Survivors’ Secret to Happiness
R3CA videos are a new format for teaching Torah and discussing important issues in the Jewish community. On June 30, 2014, at the annual Rabbinical Council of America Conference, 10 rabbis...
Nov 6, 2014
By OU Staff
Is Challahween the Sequel to Thanksgivukkah or Totally Different?
This article originally appeared on Last year, due to a very rare intersection of the Jewish and Gregorian calendars, Thanksgiving coincided with the first day of Chanukah resulting in a...
Oct 29, 2014
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Israeli College Students Meet New Friends at Johns Hopkins JLIC
Israeli College Students Meet New Friends at Johns Hopkins...
The last stop for a trip of Israeli college students learning about their Jewish heritage was a meeting with their college counterparts of the Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC)...
Oct 29, 2014
By OU Staff

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