Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Strength from Pain
I went to visit the family of Zidan Saif today. (Editor’s note: For those who do not know Zidan Saif was the Druze police officer who was the first responder on...
Nov 26, 2014
By Rabbi Avi Berman
Should We Still Be Watching The Cosby Show?
Should We Still Be Watching The Cosby Show?
Bill Cosby is in serious trouble. Rape allegations have dogged him for years and they’ve finally caught up with him. The last few times such allegations popped up, they quickly went...
Nov 26, 2014
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Elijah Moment Campaign to Pay it Forward this Season
Elijah Moment Campaign to Pay it Forward this Season
Will we make a difference in someone’s life this Thanksgiving weekend? Beyond the football, the turkey, family and friends, will we take the time to make someone’s day? You may have...
Nov 26, 2014
By Rabbi Daniel Cohen
My Premature Education
In early March, my husband Ben and I welcomed our first baby—a daughter we named Hadassah, born at the beginning of her 35th week of gestation. With an otherwise healthy pregnancy...
Nov 26, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Infertility Etiquette
Infertility Etiquette
This article originally appeared on Many of our young men and women of marriageable age assume that when a couple decides it is time to start a family, it is...
Nov 25, 2014
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Sometimes We Do the Opposite
Sometimes We Do the Opposite
Everyone knows we’re not allowed to kill, right? After all, it’s one of the “Big Ten” commandments. Not exactly. What we’re not allowed to do is murder. Sometimes we actually have...
Nov 25, 2014
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Stop Playing God
Stop Playing God
Eighty percent of our emunah problems and ninety percent of our questions on Hashem stem from one mistake—we play God. Playing God means I know exactly what I need. I need...
Nov 25, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
North American Synagogues Answer Har Nof Terror with Heartfelt...
The horrific attack in Har Nof made this a most difficult week in Israel, and for Jews around the world. Conventional wisdom has it that no two humans are separated by...
Nov 20, 2014
By OU Staff
Reflections from a Har Nof Neighbor
We heard the ambulances. We heard there was a terrorist attack. Then we heard it was at our shul down the road. We got a phone call from Chaya Levine asking...
Nov 20, 2014
By Rebbetzin Chaya Tavin
The Har Nof Synagogue Attack: A Personal Account
Dear Friends, Yesterday at about 7am my daughter Miri called. “Mordechai just came home from shul. He said that Arabs came in and are shooting, and that a man with an...
Nov 20, 2014
By Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller

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