Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Too Smart to Get Married
Too Smart to Get Married
I got a call from a fellow who said, “Rebbe, you have to help me.” “Sure, sure. What’s up?” I replied. “Well, I was set up with this girl, and I...
Dec 23, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
The Jewish N Word
The Jewish N Word
Language is a funny thing. Words that were once acceptable take on new shades of meaning and are replaced with new terms. These intended euphemisms may in turn acquire their own...
Dec 18, 2014
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
The Bashert Test
The Bashert Test
One of the greatest challenges in life is finding the balance between bitachon and histadlus—recognizing that HASHEM runs the world, yet actively doing our part. If this is difficult in many...
Dec 18, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Seeing with 20/20 Vision – the Essence of Chanuka
Seeing with 20/20 Vision – the Essence of Chanuka
This article originally appeared on A husband and wife are getting ready to go to sleep. The wife is ready to close her eyes and her husband stands staring at himself...
Dec 17, 2014
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
The Wisdom of the Dreidle Comfort in an Impossible World
The Wisdom of the Dreidle Comfort in an Impossible...
Can a simple top, a delightful toy for children, really speak to me in the aftermath of tragedy? In the aftermath of a Har Nof? Although some might suggest otherwise, questioning...
Dec 15, 2014
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
A Vision for Female Leadership: Highest Ranking Female in...
Rachel Tevet-Vizel’s grandmother was a strong woman, a woman of vision, faith, and conviction. Raised in a Hassidic family in Poland, Bluma left for Germany when she married. But when her...
Dec 11, 2014
By Batya Rosner
70 Days for 70 Years
70 Days for 70 Years
70 years ago, six million of our people were murdered in the darkest period of our history. In the world, there is a time for everything under the sun: a time...
Dec 11, 2014
By Rabbi Andrew Shaw
Alan Gross Released by Cuba Following Five Year Imprisonment
Alan Gross Released by Cuba Following Five Year Imprisonment
UPDATE: Alan Gross has been released by Cuba and is currently on his way to the US. Read below about last week’s efforts by synagogues across the country to pray for...
Dec 11, 2014
By OU Staff
What Real Bitachon Feels Like
What Real Bitachon Feels Like
Imagine a five-year-old, walking with her mother into the hospital for her second chemotherapy treatment. The little girl knows what’s coming. She remembers the pain. She understands the nausea. She knows...
Dec 10, 2014
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Yeshiva Student Stabbed At Chabad Headquarters
Police shot and killed a man who stabbed a 22-year-old Israeli student early this morning at Chabad World Headquarters in Brooklyn. Please recite tehillim for Levi Yitzchak ben Raizel. The Daily...
Dec 9, 2014
By OU Staff

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