Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

The Question We Desperately Need an Answer To
The Question We Desperately Need an Answer To
This article originally appeared on “Intermarriage is a fact of life and we should be more welcoming when it happens.” That was part of the reaction of the chief executive officer...
Jan 6, 2015
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
The Great but Humble Emancipator
January 1, the day that President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, marks the anniversary of the greatest assertion of presidential power in U.S. history. Lincoln understood that the...
Jan 5, 2015
By Rabbi Menachem Genack
Count Your Blessings and Begin to Change Your Life
Have you made your new year resolutions? If not, try the following. Each is potentially life changing. 1. Give thanks. Once a day take quiet time to feel gratitude for what...
Dec 31, 2014
By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Having Fun Raising Funds for Team Yachad
Pinny Kwestel baked 4,000 mini chocolate and cinnamon bobkas (each about the size of a mini-muffin) after more than 14 hours in the kitchen on multiple weekends. Not bad for a...
Dec 31, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Are You a Destinationist or a Traveler?
Are You a Destinationist or a Traveler?
This article originally appeared on Writing on Hevria, Elad Nehoral discusses evolving as a person and as an Orthodox Jew. I suggest reading the description of his process in his...
Dec 31, 2014
By Rabbi Eliyahu Fink
Rabbi Zvi Engel: The Voice of Father
An inspiring message as we think about the life of Moses and the Book of Exodus. R3CA videos are a new format for teaching Torah and discussing important issues in the...
Dec 26, 2014
By OU Staff
United States Holocaust Museum Is In a Race Against...
“Our generation has one moment in time to safeguard truth,” emphasized Sara Bloomfield, director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C in a video of the Museum’s initiative...
Dec 25, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Admitting “I Don’t Know”
This post originally appeared at Do you think normalizing relations with Cuba is a good idea or a poor one? Will it support and help the people of Cuba while...
Dec 24, 2014
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
The Miracle Mikveh
The Miracle Mikveh
At 16 Whalepond Road, right next door to Sha’are Tefilah (the Eatontown Shul), is where you’ll find the brand new Jherin Esther Gorcey Mikveh. The story of its construction is one...
Dec 23, 2014
By Leon Sakkal
Things Never Said
Things Never Said
A young boy runs his fingers over the leather spine of the story book he receives as a Hanukkah gift. He loves the feel of the beautiful lettering playing beneath his...
Dec 23, 2014
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

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