Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

The Enduring Legacies of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein
The Enduring Legacies of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein
On Monday morning, Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, the former leader of Yeshivat Har Etzion, English scholar and titan of Modern Orthodoxy both in Israel and abroad, died in his home at 81....
Apr 23, 2015
By OU Staff
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein: A Personal Reminiscence
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein: A Personal Reminiscence
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, as I knew him, was not merely a giant of Torah, but also a giant of a man. He was a child prodigy—Rav Hillel Zaks, a grandson of...
Apr 23, 2015
By Rabbi Menachem Genack
Who Caught the Bookkeeper of Auschwitz?
Anything but the banality of evil. This week, Oskar Gröning, 93, nicknamed “the bookkeeper of Auschwitz,” went to trial in Germany for his complicity in the murder of 300,000 Hungarian Jews...
Apr 23, 2015
By OU Staff
What Does it Mean to be the Parent of...
Yom Hazikaron Address by Rabbi Kenneth Brander to the Yeshiva University student body in Lamport Auditorium, April 22, 2015. I have no idea of what it means to be a Chayal....
Apr 23, 2015
By Rabbi Kenneth Brander
Parents’ Perspective on Their Children’s Aliyah
This essay first appeared in Yeshiva University’s publication “Torah To Go” for Pesach 5775. Republished with permission. What motivated some of our children to make aliyah? Nothing comes from nothing. Many...
Apr 23, 2015
By Rebbetzin Meira Davis
Getting a Job So You Can Move
Some have the option of moving to a new community before securing a job. The majority of us—despite our deep wish for change—aren’t going anywhere unless that job is in place....
Apr 22, 2015
By Batya Rosner
I used to be great at remembering numbers. Numbers of old childhood friends are still implanted in my head, stored in the random, useless trivia section of my brain. My friend...
Apr 16, 2015
By Eli Lebowicz
A Mayoral Mechira
A Mayoral Mechira
Brent Eisen and Michael Hancock met in an unusual way—both suffered injuries playing on the same football team the summer before they started high school. Their coach made them both team...
Apr 16, 2015
By Rabbi Daniel Alter
Small City Takes the Big Prize: Meet Fair Lawn,...
Fair Lawn, New Jersey— whose Jewish community will be featured participants in the upcoming OU Jewish Communities Fair on Sunday, April 26 in Manhattan—has recently been named the top small city...
Apr 15, 2015
By Batya Rosner
Why Does God Test Us?
Why Does God Test Us?
This article originally appeared on The notion that the all-knowing God needs to test us to determine whether we will follow His command is absurd. He knows the future and...
Apr 14, 2015
By Rabbi Gil Student

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