Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

The Immeasurable Value of a Fake Diamond Ring
The Immeasurable Value of a Fake Diamond Ring
Inside a tiny box in a temperature-controlled, locked cabinet at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, there is a ring. It is not particularly beautiful, and in purely monetary terms, it...
May 19, 2015
By OU Staff
Orthodox Jewish Commencement Speaker Finds Shabbat Workaround
Orthodox Jewish Commencement Speaker Finds Shabbat Workaround
Senior Don Greenberg was looking forward to addressing his fellow students as a commencement speaker at Binghamton University’s engineering school when his girlfriend broke the bad news: May 16, graduation day,...
May 14, 2015
By OU Staff
New Jersey Jewish Family’s Struggle For Mobility Goes Viral
New Jersey Jewish Family’s Struggle For Mobility Goes Viral
The Herzfeld family hasn’t gone anywhere together for a year and a half. These days, it’s just too much of a challenge to get all of their children in and out...
May 12, 2015
By OU Staff
In Detroit, Jewish Cemetery Survives Within GM Auto Plant
In Detroit, Jewish Cemetery Survives Within GM Auto Plant
Beth Olem Cemetery is like many aging, final resting places, with assorted tombstones in varying condition, sizes and styles, encircled by a brick wall and iron gate. Yet surrounding it on...
May 12, 2015
By OU Staff
People Have Misconceptions About Miscarriage, And That Can Hurt
Most people think a miscarriage is rare, and many believe that if a woman loses a pregnancy that she brought it upon herself. Neither of those things is true, but the...
May 11, 2015
By OU Staff
Five Facts about Lag Ba’Omer by the “Zoo Rabbi”
Five Facts about Lag Ba’Omer by the “Zoo Rabbi”
Rabbi Natan Slifkin, the Zoo Rabbi and blogger behind Rational Judaism, has a new book from OU Press available for pre-order, “The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom- Volume One: Chayot/Wild...
May 7, 2015
By OU Staff
An Anti-Semitic Politician in Hungary Discovers His Jewish Heritage
An Anti-Semitic Politician in Hungary Discovers His Jewish Heritage
Far-right Hungarian politician Csanad Szegedi was a rising star in the Jobbik party. As a senior member in a political party mainly known for its anti-Semitism and racism, Szegedi also had...
May 7, 2015
By OU Staff
When Compromise is Not a Virtue
When Compromise is Not a Virtue
I saw a question posed recently online. I didn’t answer it there, nor did I hang around long enough to read others’ responses, but I’d like to address it here. The...
May 7, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
After 20 Years in Israel, Ethiopian Jewish Community Still Struggles
After 20 Years in Israel, Ethiopian Jewish Community Still...
When the Ethiopian Jewish community arrived in Israel in 1991, the New York Times reported it was  “it was difficult to tell who was more joyful.” “The barefoot Ethiopians who cheered,...
May 6, 2015
By OU Staff
Between the Holy and the Unholy, Between Civil Disobedience and Criminal Activity
Between the Holy and the Unholy, Between Civil Disobedience...
Rabbi Etan Mintz is the spiritual leader of B’nai Israel Congregation, Baltimore’s oldest continually active synagogue and one of the original founding synagogues of the Orthodox Union. B’nai Israel Congregation is...
May 5, 2015
By OU Staff

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