Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

The Jewish Female James Bond
That headline probably made you wonder, didn’t it? The UK’s Jewish Chronicle has the scoop on the woman who kept Britain’s Jewish community safe for the last 25 years. Until her...
Jul 9, 2015
By OU Staff
Adding Some Heart Post Birthright
Birthright Israel has changed the face of the Jewish community, but what happens to all those college students once they come back? They’ve been exposed to the truth of their beautiful...
Jul 8, 2015
By OU Staff
How to Make a Shiva Call
Shiva calls are a part of the fabric of Jewish life. But how do you make a proper a shiva call? Who doesn’t recall that time when you visited someone in...
Jul 8, 2015
By OU Staff
The Other Hand
The Other Hand
Recently, I shared my thoughts on the Charleston, South Carolina shooting, specifically the forgiveness granted by the families of the victims. I posited that, while admirable, such automatic absolution does not...
Jul 7, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Are Rebbetzins an Endangered Species?
Are Rebbetzins an Endangered Species?
What do you call a doctor’s wife?  What do you call a lawyer’s wife? What do you call an accountant’s wife?  What do you call a rabbi’s wife? When I first...
Jul 7, 2015
By Batya Friedman
Pee Wee Herman’s Father Fought for Israel
Pee Wee Herman’s Father Fought for Israel
Know this guy? Well, here’s something you might not know. Pee Wee Herman’s father, Milton Rubenfeld, was a legendary air force pilot during World War 2. When Israel declared its independence...
Jul 6, 2015
By OU Staff
Patents … There’s a Great Future in Patents.
Patents … There’s a Great Future in Patents.
If you try to keep the Jewish Sabbath, you might have heard of KosherSwitch, which is supposed to allow observant Jews to flick switches without violating Shabbat. KosherSwitch looks like the...
Jul 6, 2015
By OU Staff
Lipa Schmeltzer Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.
Lipa Schmeltzer Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.
It is amazingly hard not to love Lipa Schmeltzer. The former Skverer chasid  has been banned, blacklisted and almost banished; but that doesn’t stop him from doing what he loves and...
Jul 6, 2015
By OU Staff
A Blessing on the #1 Train
A Blessing on the #1 Train
I am taking the Broadway #1 train from Penn Station to Van Cortlandt Park in the late afternoon. Van Cortlandt Park is the last stop on the line. About three stops...
Jul 2, 2015
By Aryeh Ben David
Tired of July 4 BBQ? Try These Healthy Recipes...
Happy 4th! Fun American food usually means a burger and fries on the menu. Change it up a bit with fresh salmon and sweet potato/zucchini fries to boost your omega-3 intake...
Jul 2, 2015
By Shirit Gold

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