Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

‘Worst Day Ever’ Inspires
‘Worst Day Ever’ Inspires
Perhaps by now you’ve come across the poem “Worst Day Ever?” The poem has been making waves across social media as an anonymous post until the author’s identity was revealed last...
Jul 27, 2015
By OU Staff
Creating Ahavat Chinam with Your Spouse
It’s that time of year—the Nine Days—where we talk about ahavat chinam, loving others without judgment. If we really want to understand ahavat chinam, we need to know that we can...
Jul 23, 2015
By Adina Soclof
Can You Help?
There is no disease in the world for which Hashem had not already created the cure. The task is for us to find it! To everything there is a time and a...
Jul 23, 2015
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
Tisha B’Av & Ta-Nehisi Coates
Tisha B’Av & Ta-Nehisi Coates
The key theme of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ searing best-seller “Between The World And Me” is the deep pessimism he feels about race relations in America. In terms of the Jewish calendar, his book could...
Jul 22, 2015
By Avraham Bronstein
Omri Cassppi NBA Star Wears Tefillin
Omri Cassppi NBA Star Wears Tefillin
Omir Casspi was the first Israeli to play in the NBA. If that wasn’t enough nachas, Omri recently did a Q and A on Twitter where he responded to reader’s questions....
Jul 22, 2015
By OU Staff
Remembering Dr. Janusz Korczak
He was not religious, but he became a saint. He did not go to synagogue, and knew no Hebrew, but he was a martyr. In a world where men changed themselves...
Jul 21, 2015
By David Hartley Mark
When Lashon Hora is a Mitzvah
A while ago—I forget the details—I was telling some people about how a certain person posed a harmful influence. One person objected that this was lashon hara. When I pointed out...
Jul 21, 2015
By Rabbi Natan Slifkin
One Heck of a Ma’aser Check
One Heck of a Ma’aser Check
  With a $39 million dollar check from Microsoft, fortunate are those to be on the receiving end of Shloma Baum’s ma’aser check. The Satmar Chassid from Kiryas Joel recently sold...
Jul 21, 2015
By OU Staff
Modest is Hottest
Modest is Hottest
Modest is hottest! No, that isn’t an inspirational Jewish bumper sticker—yet. Guess again. Advice for keeping cool while staying covered up was the focus of a Loving Your Body post featured...
Jul 21, 2015
By OU Staff
A Magical Jewish YA Novel — Almost as Magical...
Mystery lurking behind every corner. An ancient city full of secrets. A mystical stone that imbues magical powers into a special little boy. It sounds like the opening of the next...
Jul 21, 2015
By Dalia Caplan

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