Speaking Out Against the Iran Deal: Nathan Diament on...
This week, OU Advocacy Executive Director Nathan Diament and other Jewish leaders met with President Barack Obama to discuss their concerns about the Iran Deal. Diament told Fox News that they...
Aug 6, 2015
By OU Staff
Jew in the City’s 2015 Orthodox Jewish All-Stars
Each year, Allison Josephs, the blogger behind the popular Jew in the City, honors several Orthodox Jews for their contributions in breaking down stereotypes. Here are this year’s honorees: Baroness Rosalind...
Aug 5, 2015
By OU Staff
Lion Hunters Vs. Hyena Lynchers
Does the brutal killing of an innocent and endangered wild animal, done for no purpose other than to satisfy the blood lust of the killers, cause global outrage? That depends. Everyone...
Aug 4, 2015
By Rabbi Natan Slifkin
A Holocaust Survivor’s German Rifle
After the 1991 Gulf War – during which I gathered real-time information about Saddam’s Scud assaults for Israel Defense Forces Spokesman Nachman Shai – I earned my first military leave. Friends...
Aug 3, 2015
By Boaz Dvir
Does History Need to Be True?
From the Orthodox Jewish perspective, history is a means to an end rather than a goal in itself. There is no similar concept to Torah for its own sake–history for its...
Aug 3, 2015
By Rabbi Gil Student
Other Ways to Say No
It is the summer time and many parents are dealing with cranky and tired kids. In a previous article we spoke about how to prevent temper tantrums. We discussed how tantrums...
Jul 30, 2015
By Adina Soclof
Lou Lenart Always Played Hard to Get
The first time I called Lou Lenart, who died Monday at the age of 94, he said he wanted nothing to do with me. It was 2009. I was in Los...
Jul 30, 2015
By Boaz Dvir
Modest Swimwear Makes a Splash
Continued good news for the modest-dress conscious, tzniut is creating waves. The Wall Street Journal reports that a growing trend in bathing suits for women is the rise of more modest...
Jul 29, 2015
By Batya Rosner
Remembering Anne Samson a’h
At the Orthodox Union, we speak a lot about The Anne Samson Jerusalem Journey (TJJ). We speak a lot about it for some very good reasons: the trip is NCSY’s flagship...
Jul 29, 2015
By OU Staff
To Stop Iran, Lobby and Prayer
Help stop the Iran Deal – email your members of Congress today Despite suffering the catastrophic calamities and tragedies of the last two thousands years, we nevertheless remain an eternally optimistic...
Jul 27, 2015
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
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