Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Why Start with the Beginning? What Bereshit Teaches Us...
Today we open the Book of Books anew. Perhaps our people’s most enduring and most tangible gift to the world, we hear the echoes of the Bible in world religions, in...
Oct 7, 2015
By Rabbi David Pardo
The Irreplaceable Lives We Lost
The Irreplaceable Lives We Lost
Commenting on the tragedy of the Holocaust, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach once said, “It’s not just the number six million. We lost so many holy people.” These words kept circling in my...
Oct 7, 2015
By Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider
Simchat Torah in the Henkin’s Hometown
Simchat Torah in the Henkin’s Hometown
How do you celebrate the holiday of Simchat Torah in the wake of a horrific murder that left four children orphaned? Lee-at Salomon, a neighbor of the Henkin family, wrote this...
Oct 7, 2015
By OU Staff
A Very Urban Sukkot
Sukkos – for many, it’s summer’s last hurrah. Being outdoors, hopefully in green, lush and warm (or not too cold) surroundings. A pleasant return to nature before autumn really kicks in....
Oct 2, 2015
By Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer
Wach: A Summer on Yad B’Yad
Wach: A Summer on Yad B’Yad
Ever wonder what it’s like to spend a summer on Yachad NJCD’s Yad B’Yad summer program? Each year dozens of teenagers from across the United States journey to Israel with their...
Oct 1, 2015
By OU Staff
Watch Live: PM Netanyahu Addresses the UN
Oct 1, 2015
By OU Staff
Thanking God for the Little Things on Sukkot
In our last article we discussed how difficult it can be for parents, especially mothers, to focus on the spiritual aspects of this time period. It is the holiest time of...
Sep 24, 2015
By Adina Soclof
Almost Perfect: What a Blown Baseball Call Can Teach...
It was arguably the biggest officiating gaffe in the history of sports. The magnitude of the implications of the blown call and the blatancy of the blunder combined to create a...
Sep 22, 2015
By Rabbi Moshe Benovitz
Bringing Stolen Torahs Back Home
Bringing Stolen Torahs Back Home
We often mistranslate teshuva as repentance, but that is not exactly accurate. The Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi explains that teshuva is not reserved for sinners. The root of...
Sep 20, 2015
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
OU Israel Brings 160 At-Risk Teens to Yerushalayim for...
On Thursday, September 17, the second day of the Ten Days of Repentance, OU Israel’s Jack E. Gindi Oraita Program for at-risk Israeli teens, primarily from low-socioeconomic communities, brought 160 teens...
Sep 17, 2015
By OU Staff

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