Inspiration 1711 articles

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Michelle Bachman Urges Jews to Convert to Christianity
The former representative made these comments during a trip to Israel. Former presidential candidate Michele Bachmann called for an intensified effort to convert Jews to Christianity. Bachmann, a former congresswoman from...
Nov 11, 2015
By OU Staff
Netanyahu: Israel, US Must Work Together on Iran
Via The Times of Israel: With the Iranian nuclear pact a done deal, Israel and the United States need to work together to ensure that the Islamic Republic doesn’t violate the...
Nov 10, 2015
By OU Staff
Prayer for the Safety of American Soldiers
The RCA and the OU have circulated a special prayer to be said in synagogues during Shabbat services in support of our armed services courageously waging the battle against the scourge...
Nov 10, 2015
By OU Staff
A First-Hand Account of BDS in Minnesota
There is a distinctive, self-righteous ring to the hate-filled protest of the Boycott Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement. It is coarse and unwanted, disruptive and raw. It is the chant of...
Nov 9, 2015
By Leora Eisenberg
Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, Slams BDS Movement
From Channel 4 News. “The supporters of this so-called boycott are a bunch of corduroy-jacketed lefty academics,” Boris Johnson gave his view on the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel...
Nov 9, 2015
By OU Staff
Can a Ram Actually Get Caught in a Thicket?
A few weeks ago I discussed the identity of the ram that appears in the story of akeidas Yitzchak (Genesis 22:13). I suggested that it wouldn’t have been an ordinary domestic...
Nov 4, 2015
By Rabbi Natan Slifkin
Working Out in a Skirt: I (Kind of) Disagree
Last month, there was a news story in which an Orthodox Jewish woman sued her gym for refusing to allow her to work out in a skirt. Yosefa Jalal of Crown Heights...
Nov 3, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
How Should Jewish Families Deal With Halloween?
In the coming week we will read in Parshat Chayei Sara how Avraham, in his negotiations over finding a burial place for Sarah, describes himself as a ger v’toshav, an alien...
Oct 29, 2015
By Rabbi Adam Starr
What My Family Gained from the Mitzvah of Hachnassat...
In this week’s Parsha we learn all about the mitzvah of Hachnassat Orchim from our forefather Avraham. My family really enjoys this mitzvah. Our morning blessings state that for this mitzvah,...
Oct 29, 2015
By Adina Soclof
Staying Healthy Doesn’t Have to Cost Too Much
It sometimes seems that in order to stay healthy, it might cost a lot of money. Granted, not being healthy will ultimately cost more money than staying healthy but for many...
Oct 28, 2015
By Alan Freishtat

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