Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Debate Fervently, But Love Fiercely
Recently, the United States Holocaust Museum asked my synagogue to host an event of theirs. So this past Wednesday night, we hosted Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic for a conversation about...
Dec 15, 2015
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Hezekiah’s Seal
Why Does King Hezekiah’s Seal Bear an Egyptian Winged Sun God? Hebrew University archaeologists created a stir last week announcing the discovery of a seal bearing the name of the Hezekiah...
Dec 15, 2015
By Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman
Stop the Insanity!
I do quite a bit of writing but I rarely write about the parsha (my Shnayim Mikra synopses notwithstanding). Honestly, I feel there are many others who excel at finding meaningful, relevant...
Dec 15, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Sparking the Flame: Engaging Jewish Teens Through ‘Inspiration-Based’ Education
Sparking the Flame: Engaging Jewish Teens Through ‘Inspiration-Based’ Education
Christmas is a hard time to be a Jewish teen. It’s even harder if you’re the one trying to reach out to that Jewish teen. Over the last several months, we’ve...
Dec 14, 2015
By Rabbi Donny Schwartz
The Menorah That Defied the Nazis
The Menorah That Defied the Nazis
If you’ve been active on social media this week, you might have seen this iconic photograph: a menorah stands on a windowsill while across the street Nazi flag hangs. Rare Historical...
Dec 10, 2015
By Batya Rosner
Merry Christmas! Am I Bovvered?
Merry Christmas! Am I Bovvered?
Christmas and I have had a complicated relationship. When I was in kindergarten, my public school class took a trip to visit a mall Santa; this is the only time small...
Dec 9, 2015
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Pass the Latkes!
Pass the Latkes!
My mother a”h used to fry everything. Potatoes, meatballs, chicken, veal—you name it! If it could be batter dipped, even better! Even today, when I smell fried foods my mouth begins...
Dec 8, 2015
By Phyllis Koegel
New York Post Commends OU for School Security bill
On Monday, The New York Post published an editorial crediting the mayor for standing up to the teachers union and helping pass Intro 65 A. The bill, sponsored by Council Member...
Dec 8, 2015
By OU Staff
This Chanukah See What is Right Under Your Nose
A husband and wife are getting ready to go to sleep. The wife is ready to close her eyes and her husband stands staring at himself in the full-length mirror. “What’s...
Dec 7, 2015
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
A German-Jewish Chanukah in Upper Manhattan
One of the highlights of Chanukah in Washington Heights is the candlelighting at K’hal Adath Jeshurun (KAJ/”Breuer’s”) and the singing of Maoz Tzur by the KAJ choir between Mincha and Maariv....
Dec 7, 2015
By Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer

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