Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

3 Questions Atheist
Jul 5, 2017
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Should Jewish Criminals Be Literally “Defrocked?”
Should Jewish Criminals Be Literally “Defrocked?”
You’ve probably seen the recent news in which a Lakewood rabbi, his wife, and another Orthodox Jewish couple were arrested in simultaneous federal and state raids on charges of public assistance fraud...
Jun 30, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
July 4th: Jewish Reflections on the Declaration of Independence
July 4th: Jewish Reflections on the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration begins with: “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…a decent respect to...
Jun 28, 2017
By Scott Shulman
Remembering R’ Meir Zlotowitz, Artscroll Visionary
It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Rav Meir Zlotowitz zt”l, pioneering founder of ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications and one of the greatest disseminators of Torah in history. He was 73...
Jun 28, 2017
Counting Our Blessings
Counting Our Blessings
We have hands, legs, mobility, sight- so many blessings, but if we don’t train ourselves to appreciate it, we will feel entitled to it.
Jun 27, 2017
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
Get Intense!
Over the course of years, the exercise recommendations for good health seems to change every few years. If you are old enough, you probably remember when the recommendation for aerobic exercise...
Jun 26, 2017
By Alan Freishtat
History or Allegory? It Really Doesn’t Matter
I fielded a question recently from someone who had read a book by a certain author and was confused because this author had presented certain incidents from sefer Bereishis (the book...
Jun 21, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Wonders of Creation
Wonders of Creation
“We live with wonders of technology, but it comes with a certain cost….”
Jun 20, 2017
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
When your Sleeping is Disordered
It’s been a rough couple of months when it comes to getting enough sleep.  It starts with Pesach preparations culminating in a Seder that goes well into the morning hours.  We...
Jun 20, 2017
By Alan Freishtat
The Fastest Ambulance? An Israeli Motorcycle
As a young EMT on a Jerusalem ambulance, Eli Beer realized that, stuck in brutal urban traffic, they often arrived too late to help. So he organized a group of volunteer...
Jun 20, 2017
By OU Staff

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