Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

SUN, The Shidduch Crisis and Some Ways You Can Help
SUN, The Shidduch Crisis and Some Ways You Can...
I am writing today about the SUN initiative which is about single men and women meeting together on a monthly basis with the intention of trying to set each other up...
Aug 30, 2017
By David Katzoff
My Experience of the Houston Flood by Rebbetzin Gabi Gelman
My Experience of the Houston Flood by Rebbetzin Gabi...
I am originally from Belle Harbor, New York, and we moved to Houston 14 years ago so my husband could become the rabbi of an Orthodox shul here. There are about...
Aug 29, 2017
By Rebbetzin Gabi Gelman
Houston: Thrice flooded in three years, A community known for its chesed needs our help
Houston: Thrice flooded in three years, A community known...
I will never forget the first time my husband wrote a drasha to present in shul. We had been living in Houston for about a month, where he was serving as...
Aug 29, 2017
By Ariela Davis
It’s Not Easy Being Miss Lebanon
It’s Not Easy Being Miss Lebanon
After the past few months of news, I have decided that I would not want to be Miss Lebanon. Happily, I am in no imminent danger of being named Miss Lebanon...
Aug 29, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Shoftim: On Judging Others and Judging Yourself
Shoftim: On Judging Others and Judging Yourself
Last week’s Parsha, Parshat Re’eh ends with a very interesting verse: “Every man shall bring as much as he can afford, according to the blessing of the Lord, your God, which...
Aug 24, 2017
By Anonymous
Elul: The 30-Day Cleansing Diet
Elul: The 30-Day Cleansing Diet
One year ago, I looked in the mirror and decided I wasn’t the weight I wanted to be. It wasn’t the first time I had come to this realization. With each...
Aug 24, 2017
By Ariela Davis
Jews Across the Hashkafic Spectrum Travel to Find Inspiration at Eclipse
Jews Across the Hashkafic Spectrum Travel to Find Inspiration...
In a world divided by hashkafic differences, an out of the ordinary experience brought Jews across the spectrum together out of a common interest. As one of the last locations in...
Aug 22, 2017
By Ariela Davis
In the Place Where a Baal Teshuva Stands
In the Place Where a Baal Teshuva Stands
It is hard to believe that we already halfway through the month of Elul. Elul conjures different images, such as teshuva and, on a more mundane level, menus. In a rabbinic...
Aug 22, 2017
By Ariela Davis
This is America; We Don’t Assassinate Our Politicians
This is America; We Don’t Assassinate Our Politicians
In a week infamous for neo-Nazi/White Supremacist marches, it’s noteworthy that the second-most reprehensible thing of the week was a Facebook comment by Missouri state senator Maria Nicole Chappelle-Nadal. A friend...
Aug 22, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Submit Your Stories
We’d love to see what you have to share with the broader Jewish community. Submit your stories to and it may be featured on the site and the weekly...
Aug 17, 2017
By OU Staff

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