Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

54 in 1: Laining for the Cycle
54 in 1: Laining for the Cycle
As is the case with virtually every ba’al k’riyah with whom I have “talked shop,” I too began laining (reading the Torah) within a couple of months after my bar mitzvah,...
Oct 24, 2017
By Adam J. Rosen
A Fresh Torah
A Fresh Torah
I have never enjoyed learning Chumash. While I love learning Torah She Baal Peh, and find that my passion and appreciation for the logic of the halachic process can help make...
Oct 19, 2017
By Ariela Davis
I Am So Sick of Your Oxford Comma
I Am So Sick of Your Oxford Comma
A few months ago, a $10-million Maine lawsuit involving overtime pay for dairy workers was decided on the basis of the lack of an Oxford comma. The problem lay in the...
Oct 18, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
In Defense of School on Chol Hamoed
In Defense of School on Chol Hamoed
Over the past number of years, a debate has quietly simmered beneath the surface of the American Jewish Day School community regarding school on Chol Hamoed Sukkot. My sense is that...
Oct 17, 2017
By Rabbi Leib Zalesch
Daven Like Water on a Rock
Daven Like Water on a Rock
Under normal circumstances, I don’t happen to be one of the world’s most impressive daveners. There are fast daveners and there are slow daveners and most days of the year I...
Oct 3, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Ephemeral Mentality
Ephemeral Mentality
Gourmet Coffee A “Push Present” is a gift a husband gives to his wife to mark the occasion of her giving birth to their child. After our most recent child was...
Oct 3, 2017
By Rabbi Pinny Roth
Temporary Dwellings
Temporary Dwellings
Last Elul, I put all my belongings in storage and hit the open road. For the next ten months, I had no home. I was a nomad living on the road,...
Oct 3, 2017
By Daniel Weiss
Israel’s top tennis player quits mid-match for Yom Kippur
Israel’s top tennis player quits mid-match for Yom Kippur
Dudi Sela, Israel’s top-ranked men’s singles tennis player, quit mid-game at the Wuhan Open in China on Friday due to the imminent start of Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish...
Oct 2, 2017
By Times of Israel
Sukkot: Keeping the Big Picture in Mind
Sukkot: Keeping the Big Picture in Mind
Anger is a force of nature stronger than any tsunami, hurricane, or earthquake I’ve experienced. While the latter can destroy cars and buildings, anger can destroy human beings. Every day during...
Oct 1, 2017
By Jacob L. Freedman, MD
When Death Comes Around the High Holidays
When Death Comes Around the High Holidays
When I was a little girl in Hebrew School, September and October always came with the teaching of the High Holidays, of course. The image that always stuck with me most...
Sep 28, 2017
By Judy Mollen Walters

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