Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Finding Uzi
Finding Uzi
They warned me: Never set foot in Sh’chunat Hatikva. The so-called “Neighborhood of Hope” was anything but. It was notorious as the most dangerous neighborhood in Tel Aviv and the home of...
Dec 27, 2017
By Shlomo Horwitz
Looks Like We Made It: OU, Chabad Conquer Comic Books
Looks Like We Made It: OU, Chabad Conquer Comic...
Since 1939, when the Human Torch and Sub-Mariner first appeared in Marvel Mystery Comics #1, one question has plagued aficionados of four-color literature: does the Orthodox Union exist in the Marvel...
Dec 26, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Why are You Here? Truth, Comfort, and Religious Motivation
Why are You Here? Truth, Comfort, and Religious Motivation
Looking around synagogue–particularly on Yom Kippur–we see some people who’ve come searching for God and we see those people who’ve come because they want to socialize. And we see ourselves judging...
Dec 26, 2017
By OU Staff
Protecting Our Legacies
Protecting Our Legacies
In tractate Taanis (5b), Rabbi Nachman makes a bold statement: Our forefather Yaakov never died. This actually makes a lot of sense. After all, Genesis 25:8 tells us explicitly that Avraham...
Dec 26, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Halacha-Shaming is Counter-Productive, in Addition to Just Plain Wrong
Halacha-Shaming is Counter-Productive, in Addition to Just Plain Wrong
There’s been a little bit of buzz lately about sheitels; in particular, whether certain sheitels, of certain styles or cuts, conform to certain standards of halacha and hashkafa. Notice, I didn’t...
Dec 21, 2017
By Sarah Rudolph
When There Are No Words, There Can Be No Lessons
When There Are No Words, There Can Be No...
Readers of OU Life and Shabbat Shalom are likely already familiar with the tragedy that took place this past week, during the joyous holiday of Chanukah. I refer, of course, to...
Dec 20, 2017
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
WOW – 1 – The Water Cycle
WOW – 1 – The Water Cycle
WOW – 1 – The Water Cycle – final from The Shmuz on Vimeo.
Dec 18, 2017
By Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier
The Bris Dress
The Bris Dress
My maternal grandmother was Rita Bear Strauss Flehinger She was born on November 8, 1895 in Richmond Virginia. She grew up in a staunchly Reform German family. Along came a traveling...
Dec 18, 2017
By Betsy Lehman Starr
Presence for Chanuka
Presence for Chanuka
It’s the conversation piece in every classroom: “So, what did you get for Chanuka?” Some families give large gifts, some give small ones, some give one gift for each night of...
Dec 14, 2017
By Ariela Davis
OU Mourns Passing of HaRav Shteinman Z”tl
We at the Orthodox Union join the rest of the Jewish people in mourning the loss of Harav Aharon Leib Shteinman zt’l. Rav Shteinman zt’l was not only a world leading...
Dec 12, 2017
By OU Staff

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