Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Building Our Land and Strengthening Our People
Building Our Land and Strengthening Our People
Four years have passed since much of the Jewish world held its breath, united in prayer, performed much chesed and hoped that our three boys would be found alive and well....
Jun 13, 2018
By Adina Hershberg
“No, Really, Are You Okay?”
“No, Really, Are You Okay?”
In the wake of two high-profile suicides in the last week or so, there’s been a lot of talk about how people might be suffering deeply and those around them –...
Jun 13, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
The Stiff-Necked People: The Perfect Nation to Receive the Torah
The Stiff-Necked People: The Perfect Nation to Receive the...
Throughout our history the Jews have received many appellations.  Among the more famous – and positive – are “The Chosen People”, “People of the Book”, “Eternal People”, and “Light unto the...
Jun 11, 2018
By Rabbi Chaim Jachter
A Lesson in Correcting
A Lesson in Correcting
There’s a strange passage in the Gemara in Kiddushin 32a. We are told that Rav Yehuda, the son of Rav Yechezkel, corrected his father’s lesson by saying “Father, don’t teach the...
Jun 6, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
The Kate Middleton Effect
The Kate Middleton Effect
Search for Kate Middleton (despite the fact that this hasn’t been her name in 7 years) and you will find 27,800,000 queries on google. For some reason, there is tremendous public...
Jun 5, 2018
By Ariela Davis
The Janitor, the Rosh Yeshiva and a Lesson in Appreciation
The Janitor, the Rosh Yeshiva and a Lesson in...
There is a piece of marriage advice that was shared during one of the many kallah-training courses I took, that has always stuck with me (although I can’t say I always...
May 31, 2018
By Ariela Davis
Idealism and Torah
Idealism and Torah
The newly established hesder yeshiva in Ramla couldn’t have asked for a warmer reception from their neighbors. On their second day at yeshiva, Arab neighbors set the field next to the...
May 31, 2018
By Adina Hershberg
It’s Not Mitzvah Time
It’s Not Mitzvah Time
Being a commuter on the New York City subway, I am no stranger to street preachers. Honestly, I find them kind of annoying because people are trying to read, sleep, have...
May 29, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Oketz: An Israeli Sting Operation
Oketz: An Israeli Sting Operation
An Israeli elementary school comes alive at night, when most are sound asleep. The sounds of people running, of dogs barking and of loud thuds can be heard. Flashlights cast eerie...
May 24, 2018
By Adina Hershberg
Shavuos is Over; Begin Again Now!
Shavuos is Over; Begin Again Now!
Hashem gave us a present; do you know what it was? A few days ago, we celebrated having received the Torah, the greatest gift a tired, long enslaved but recently freed...
May 23, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph

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