Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Our Journey to Judaism Part III: A New Family is Born
Our Journey to Judaism Part III: A New Family...
My father, a non-Jew fascinated by Judaism, started attending classes at Beth Jacob, the Orthodox shul in Atlanta, Georgia. He liked how observance was part of everyday life with the Orthodox....
Jul 5, 2018
By Alexandra Fleksher
Rifts for a Reason: When We’re Too Hurt to Forgive
Rifts for a Reason: When We’re Too Hurt to...
A friend told me this week that she plans to sever her relationship with her sister, a relationship which she feels has become toxic. While I understand why she is taking...
Jul 5, 2018
By Ariela Davis
Choosing Holiness
Choosing Holiness
Recently, I wrote about the importance of having a variety of people around from whom to learn. I joked to friends that it was just a cover to allow me to...
Jul 3, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
Our Journey to Judaism  Part II: From St. James to Santa Fe
Our Journey to Judaism Part II: From St....
Part One My non-Jewish father and my Jewish mother agreed that I was a Jew, but how would they raise me as one? For parents with strong Jewish identities who understand...
Jun 28, 2018
By Alexandra Fleksher
Bar Kamtza – Victim or Villain?
Bar Kamtza – Victim or Villain?
As the Three Weeks begin and Tisha b’Av approaches, we focus a lot on the idea of sinas chinam, baseless hatred, which the Talmud in Yoma (9b) cites as the reason...
Jun 25, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Slouch of a Husband
Slouch of a Husband
Two weeks ago, the man who was reading the announcements at the shul we were visiting decided to have some fun: As he read through the various upcoming classes, he announced...
Jun 25, 2018
By Ariela Davis
What Makes a Friend
What Makes a Friend
Last week, I lost a friend. Do I get to say that, when I can’t remember the last time we spoke or saw each other? When, if I had been tasked...
Jun 25, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
Our Journey to Judaism Part One: It All Started with a Roll of Lifesavers
Our Journey to Judaism Part One: It All Started...
“I for sure thought you were a bais yaakov girl like the rest of us!” These words were said to me by a mother of teenage daughter who had heard me...
Jun 20, 2018
By Alexandra Fleksher
Don’t Fear the Barista
Don’t Fear the Barista
I used to have a funny habit. Remember toll booths? Before EZ Pass, we used to wait on line to reach a little booth, where we paid our tolls to a...
Jun 18, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
It’s Hard to Be Wrong; It’s Even Harder to Admit It
It’s Hard to Be Wrong; It’s Even Harder to...
  Accountability for our own actions is a concept not really discussed in today’s world. But it’s the key to stopping an endless downward spiral to disaster. Ariela Davis is the...
Jun 13, 2018
By Ariela Davis

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