Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Writing Our Second Draft
Writing Our Second Draft
I have a love-hate relationship with writing. Or maybe a hate-love relationship. I’m driven to write and I love the creative energy of pushing out a well-crafted sentence, when it works....
Jul 31, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
My True Ghost Story
My True Ghost Story
The following is a true story. It takes place about two decades ago in the second-floor apartment of a two-family home. The stairs led from the front door straight to the...
Jul 30, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Parsha in Under 5: Repetition and the Power of Perspective
Parsha in Under 5: Repetition and the Power of...
Jul 26, 2018
By Ariela Davis
Women, Bentching and the Role of Publishing
Women, Bentching and the Role of Publishing
For years, I held onto two regrets about the planning for my wedding. Everything was beautiful, and I was overcome with joy, as a bride should be. But I had hoped...
Jul 25, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
Inspiration from Seeming Despair
Inspiration from Seeming Despair
Last week, my wife and I visited Martef HaShoah or Chamber of the Holocaust, a small Holocaust museum located on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, opposite the Kever of King David. Appropriate...
Jul 25, 2018
By Hylton I. Lightman, MD, DCH (SA), FAAP
If Anti-Semitism isn’t Real, Then Neither are Guinea Pigs
If Anti-Semitism isn’t Real, Then Neither are Guinea Pigs
It’s happened before and it will invariably happen again but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t irksome. I was following a Twitter discussion about a certain anti-Semitic incident and it wasn’t...
Jul 23, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Shiva Call Anxiety
Shiva Call Anxiety
My friend’s father passed away recently. She is an incredibly outgoing and well-loved person who is approachable and easy to talk to and despite this, some expressed discomfort in reaching out....
Jul 10, 2018
By Ariela Davis
Our Journey to Judaism Part IV: Where I Was and Where I am
Our Journey to Judaism Part IV: Where I Was...
To read the first three parts of Alexandra’s story, click the links below. A question I am often asked when I share the story of my father’s conversion to Orthodoxy which...
Jul 10, 2018
By Alexandra Fleksher
Tov L’hodos: The Power of Song
Tov L’hodos: The Power of Song
Music is great for stirring up memories and all sorts of other emotions. Ever since my oldest was a baby, I’ve relied on my repertoire of slow seudah shlishit songs as...
Jul 9, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
The Lost Light
The Lost Light
Jul 5, 2018
By Torah Live

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