Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

You’re Capable of That
You’re Capable of That
As I write this, we are in the midst of the Aseres Y’mei Teshuvah, the Ten Day of Repentance that last from Rosh Hashana through Yom Kippur. In the laws of...
Sep 12, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Everything Matters
Everything Matters
Learning halacha can be tricky, as it often seems to devolve into a complicated laundry list of “do this” and “don’t do that.” If we haven’t studied the background in depth,...
Sep 12, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
Job Snobbery: From The Cosby Show to Bagging Groceries (and Why That’s Okay)
Job Snobbery: From The Cosby Show to Bagging Groceries...
Once upon a time, there was a television program called The Cosby Show. (We won’t go into why it was called that. We don’t talk about B*ll C*sby anymore.) For most...
Sep 5, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
A Refresher Course on Bikkur Cholim
A Refresher Course on Bikkur Cholim
(This is the fifth and final installment in the series of articles on things I learned from my recent back surgery.) After my procedure, I was in the hospital for three...
Sep 4, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
The Positivity Challenge
The Positivity Challenge
The alarm goes off and the kids jump out of bed. They put on their uniforms, which are laid out carefully on their beds, eat breakfast while chatting with each other...
Aug 29, 2018
By Ariela Davis
In Praise of Waste Removal
In Praise of Waste Removal
(This is the fourth of five articles I’m writing about things I learned from my recent medical experiences. It is by far the most personal.) It’s no secret that I wasn’t...
Aug 28, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Beyond the Letter of Judgment Day
Beyond the Letter of Judgment Day
Somehow, this time of year – the lead-up to Yom Hadin – often makes me think not only about Heavenly judgment, but about humans who judge each other. Maybe it’s just...
Aug 28, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
Who Will Live and Who Will Die?
Who Will Live and Who Will Die?
I received the call at about 11:00 pm. One of our daughters-in-law, Dina*, was in labor. Could I come and babysit for their two daughters who were asleep? I got dressed...
Aug 23, 2018
By Rachel Weiss
Revitalizing Life by Finding Time for Tefillah
Revitalizing Life by Finding Time for Tefillah
For many years, the gage of an Orthodox home was the observance of Shabbos, kashrus and Taharas HaMishpacha (Laws of Family Purity). Nowadays, with the growth of observance, there are often...
Aug 23, 2018
By Ariela Davis
Allow Me Some Latitude for a Platitude About the Attitude of Gratitude
Allow Me Some Latitude for a Platitude About the...
(Continuing the series of articles about what I learned from my recent back surgery.) Starting around April, when I returned from Pesach, I became increasingly dependent on the use of a...
Aug 20, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

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