Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Enhance Your Shul with an Aravos Garden
Enhance Your Shul with an Aravos Garden
Over the course of the past month and a half, Jews around the world took part in an action-packed journey.  Waking up early for Selichos prayers in the days leading up to...
Oct 9, 2018
By Rabbi Akiva Males
What Will You Contribute to the World?
What Will You Contribute to the World?
Several weeks ago, I wrote about some of my struggles in attempting to balance shul-going with bearing, birthing, and/or caring for young children. I received feedback from, and was thrilled to...
Oct 8, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
Give Yourself Advice (or: Yom Kippur, The Rabbi Stayed Home)
Give Yourself Advice (or: Yom Kippur, The Rabbi Stayed...
I recently ran a five-part series in which I shared lessons from my back problems, surgery and ongoing recuperation. I continue to learn new things, which was no more clear than...
Oct 8, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Yashar, Yashar
Yashar, Yashar
Everyone who has ever asked for directions in Israel knows that Israelis love to say yashar yashar, loosely translated as “keep going straight.” For me, it will always carry a much...
Oct 8, 2018
By Shlomo Horwitz
Writing Exclusive
Writing Exclusive
Get the truth and print it. – John S. Knight When I walked into the newsroom, I had to catch my breath.  Was I really here or was it a dream?  I...
Oct 8, 2018
By Rebecca (Feldbaum) Steier
Starting Over as Our Own Judges and Advocates
Starting Over as Our Own Judges and Advocates
Not long ago, I was writing to a friend, sharing my embarrassment about an article I’d published that I thought could have been better – when I was interrupted by a...
Oct 3, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
Pearls from the Torah
Pearls from the Torah
Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran, whose half century of accomplishments in Jewish education, the rabbinate, writing and kashrut are legendary, has just published a jam-packed collection of essays on the weekly Torah...
Oct 3, 2018
By Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer
Women, Kids – and Men! – in Shul on Simchas Torah
Women, Kids – and Men! – in Shul on...
Recently, I wrote about parents bringing kids to shul and trying to navigate the interplay of their own needs, their kids’ needs, and the needs of those around them. Predictably, reactions...
Sep 20, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
Fertility Prayer
Fertility Prayer
Sep 13, 2018
By OU Staff
From Charleston, SC: Hurricane on Shabbos Shuva
From Charleston, SC: Hurricane on Shabbos Shuva
Storm of the century! This one will be worse than Hugo (chilling words for a South Carolinian)! The Carolinas have never seen one this bad! Anticipated to be the most expensive...
Sep 13, 2018
By Ariela Davis

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