Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Go to the Source
Go to the Source
The other night, I gave a shiur that included two parts: (1) looking at several texts we’d already studied in the series, searching for phrases related to a particular angle of...
Jan 30, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
Context is Everything
Context is Everything
Actor Chris Pratt has jumped on the “Daniel fast” bandwagon, thrusting it into media spotlight. The “Daniel fast,” for those who may not know, involves eating only things that grow from...
Jan 23, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Yitro Rejoiced; Be Like Yitro
Yitro Rejoiced; Be Like Yitro
According to a statement in the Gemara (Sanhedrin 94a), we should all be ashamed of ourselves. Well, at least the Jews of Yitro’s time should have been – but there’s a...
Jan 23, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
Digital Tu B’Shevat Seder Guide and Table Runner
Digital Tu B’Shevat Seder Guide and Table Runner
With Tu B’Shevat in just a few days, now is the perfect time for this amazing activity guide and table runner. Published in a joint effort by the English Department of...
Jan 16, 2019
By OU Staff
Transforming Generation Z into a Generation of Action: From Consuming to Creating
Transforming Generation Z into a Generation of Action: From...
One question many parents are asking today is how do I prepare my child now to be a successful adult in the future? Our world is changing at such a rapid...
Jan 9, 2019
By OU Staff
There’s Always Something You Can Do
There’s Always Something You Can Do
Almost immediately following the conclusion of the shiva period commemorating the tragic passing of my 33-year-old wife, I wrote an article titled, ‘Reflections on Shiva.’ The goal of that article was to share my...
Jan 9, 2019
By Josh Grajower
When Bad Ideas Happen to Good People
When Bad Ideas Happen to Good People
I’ve long had a soft spot for Rav Ovadia Seforno’s commentary (okay, for many commentaries; it’s my thing) – in particular, his perspective on the story of Yosef and his brothers,...
Jan 8, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
In the News: The Doctor Who Threatened to Poison Jews
In the News: The Doctor Who Threatened to Poison...
It’s probably the most appalling story of the year (so far. The year is young, so give it time!). Dr. Lara Kollab, a resident at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, was fired...
Jan 7, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
So Why Risk Exile?
So Why Risk Exile?
Last week, I shared some of the fears that go along with writing for public consumption – such as the possibility of being misunderstood, maybe even with disastrous results – but...
Jan 2, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
Am I Exiled Yet?
Am I Exiled Yet?
It’s been about a year since I first submitted an article – which turned out to be two, because yes, I tend to write at great length – to OU Life. It...
Dec 26, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph

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