Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Egypt in Contrast
Egypt in Contrast
Often, it’s not really a good idea to inspire through contrast. For instance, “Oy, your older brother gives me such trouble; don’t be like him!” is probably not the best way...
Apr 10, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
Practice May or May Not Make Perfect: Can We Really Do Whatever We Set Our Minds To?
Practice May or May Not Make Perfect: Can We...
I once read an article that cautioned against telling kids that “practice makes perfect.” Though the sentiment is old enough to be cliché, apparently there is some concern that it sets...
Apr 2, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
The Great Shoe Exchange
The Great Shoe Exchange
Years ago, my family lived on the upper floor of a two-family house. The landlord had exclusive use of the driveway, so my wife and I would park our cars on...
Apr 1, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
A Dozen More Orphans
A Dozen More Orphans
Watching footage of the security camera’s video of this week’s terrorist attack at the Ariel junction and seeing the Arab perpetrator walking towards the bus stop where nineteen-year-old soldier Gal Keidan...
Mar 20, 2019
By Adina Hershberg
A Higher Standard: The Price of Fame
A Higher Standard: The Price of Fame
You’ve probably seen the news about the recent college admissions cheating scandal, in which wealthy parents paid exorbitant sums to buy their children’s way into prestigious colleges. The last time I...
Mar 18, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
The Blessed Wigmaker: Peyos and the Power of Identity
The Blessed Wigmaker: Peyos and the Power of Identity
A Chasid boarded a plane and took his seat next to a woman who, as it happened, was also Jewish. After squirming in her seat quietly for several minutes, she turned...
Mar 18, 2019
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
OU Executive VP Allen Fagin Reflects on Five Years at the Helm of the OU
OU Executive VP Allen Fagin Reflects on Five Years...
Mr. Fagin appeared on the popular Jewish morning program ‘JM in the AM’ to talk with Nachum Segal about the state of the OU, five years after taking the helm of...
Mar 13, 2019
By OU Staff
Freezing in Crisis
Freezing in Crisis
I once got a call from a friend whose husband had just been in an accident. Her preschool-aged son, around the same age as my daughter (I had two kids at...
Mar 13, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
Understanding Hakarat HaTov
Understanding Hakarat HaTov
The maintenance crew at Touro’s Lander College for Men works so hard every day. Whatever needs to get done, whether painting the walls in the student government office or cleaning the bathrooms at least...
Mar 5, 2019
By Azzi Kimmel
Leaving Behind Our Spiritual DNA
Leaving Behind Our Spiritual DNA
I’m hesitant to springboard an article using something I read in Reader’s Digest but I always like to start at the beginning. My hesitancy to cite Reader’s Digest comes from my own...
Mar 4, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

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