Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

A Tu B’Shevat Prayer
A Tu B’Shevat Prayer
Sometimes I think I’ve been endowed with an overabundance of feelings. Things often seem to affect me more deeply than they do other people. I used to think this heightened sensitivity...
Feb 8, 2006
By By Yaffa Ganz
Have your soup now. Cry later.
Have your soup now. Cry later.
We called her Imma, Hebrew for Mommy. And ever since we were children, we all knew a wonderful story about her. It happened in Poland on a Friday night back in...
Feb 2, 2006
By Chava Willig Levy
Sometimes I find myself choking on silence, and I fear all my thoughts must come out or I’ll simply burst, the unsaid gushing out and drowning us all. I sit quietly...
Jan 26, 2006
By Tzippora Price
The Silver Spice Box
The Silver Spice Box
The silver spice box stood at the back of our mahogany sideboard.  The box was tarnished, and the flag up top was bent over.  As a child of six or seven,...
Jan 19, 2006
By Varda Branfman
Waterfront Beggar
Waterfront Beggar
My Great Aunt Ella was a legend in her own time.  “The Johnny Appleseed of chessed,” one irreverent cousin once declared, after reading a book about the well-known figure, and the...
Jan 12, 2006
By Sheila Segal
Coming out of the Orthodox Jewish Closet
Coming out of the Orthodox Jewish Closet
Sixteen years ago, after picking up the gauntlet my husband threw down ( “Stop kvetching about wanting to be a published writer; sit down and write a book” ), I began...
Jan 12, 2006
By Rochelle Krich
Baruch’s Birthday
Baruch’s Birthday
Magdu and Ambat Eyob grew up in neighboring villages in the Quara district of northern Ethiopia. “Even though the Jewish community was small, we made sure not to marry cousins,” says...
Dec 28, 2005
By By Barbara Sofer
Oil and Water
Oil and Water
When I was growing up, we never visited my father’s sister, my Aunt Shirl, who lived in Boston. The very mention of her would cause my mother’s eyes to cross. I...
Dec 22, 2005
By By Dani Shapiro
A Gift Called “Reizy”
A Gift Called “Reizy”
This true story is written as heard from Tzippy, the woman involved. She agreed to tell over her personal story so that its profound message could influence and encourage as many...
Dec 1, 2005
By Esther Stern
Adi’s Angel
Adi’s Angel
Adi Huja, 16, observed the second anniversary of the terrorist bombing which almost took her life at Hadassah Hospital, preparing to undergo her 26th operation. On that fateful Saturday night two...
Nov 23, 2005
By Sara Yoheved Rigler

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