Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

A Word of Thanks
A Word of Thanks
The following was transcribed from the Jewish Action Reader, Volume I, which was published in 1996: The synagogue was crowded, I had bought no seat.  The usher sent me upstairs with...
May 21, 2019
By Herman Wouk
Book Review: Roots & Rituals by Mitchell First
Book Review: Roots & Rituals by Mitchell First
Roots & Rituals: Insights into Hebrew, Holidays and History Mitchell First Kodesh Press I can’t speak for you but this book was 100% up my alley, focusing as it does on...
May 15, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Words Matter
Words Matter
There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who will say “It’s 12:37” and those who will round the time to 12:40 or even to 12:30. Often, the latter...
May 14, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
Here is How To Leave Your MARK on the World
Here is How To Leave Your MARK on the...
Whether he was your server or not, at some point during your meal at Butcher Block, Mark was likely to stop by your table to say hi, share a story, or...
May 9, 2019
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Love and Hate for Our Fellow Jews
Love and Hate for Our Fellow Jews
One of the most famous teachings in Pirkei Avot is Hillel’s admonition (1:12) to “be of the students of Aharon, loving peace and pursuing peace.” Sometimes we remember that’s not the...
May 8, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
Overcoming Religious Embarrassment By Just Being Wrong
Overcoming Religious Embarrassment By Just Being Wrong
A colleague recently heard someone pronounce a religious term differently from the way that she had always pronounced it. This made her concerned that perhaps she had always said it wrong....
May 7, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Poway Strong: Saying Goodbye to Lori Gilbert Kaye
Poway Strong: Saying Goodbye to Lori Gilbert Kaye
There was an overwhelming feeling of strength and resolve among the sea of people approaching the Chabad of Poway on Monday afternoon. People of all faiths and backgrounds traveled from near...
May 2, 2019
By Solly Hess
Pride and Fear as a Jew in America, 2019
Pride and Fear as a Jew in America, 2019
My first memory of being out and about as recognizably Jewish, different from those around me, is from my early days in day camp. The camp was run by the Jewish...
May 1, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph
Why Israel and Chutz La’Aretz Read Different Parshas (And Why We Don’t Re-Align Sooner)
Why Israel and Chutz La’Aretz Read Different Parshas (And...
Why Do We Read Different Parshas? This year, we have a situation that arises every so often – certainly not infrequently! In America, Europe, Australia, South Africa – basically, most of...
May 1, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Take That Step
Take That Step
In deriving meaning from Torah, the most innocent-looking words can pack a big punch. Just think about how Nachum ish gam zu was able to find significance in the word “et”...
Apr 16, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph

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