Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

A Fresh Passover
A Fresh Passover
As Pesach draws closer, we get more and more engrossed in our “Pesach cleaning.” The Torah prohibits us from having any form of chametz (leaven) in our homes on Pesach and,...
Mar 21, 2007
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Different Ways of Looking at Things
Different Ways of Looking at Things
Holy and Secular: “The plague is spreading, it includes almost the entire city,” the physician reported to the mayor, “Our beautiful city Sura looks like a battlefield.” And the mayor asked,...
Mar 15, 2007
By Rabbi Amichai Gordin
The Woman and the Lion’s Hair
The Woman and the Lion’s Hair
A Lesson For the Children: A woman came to the wise man of the village and complained that her husband does not love her anymore, and that she did not know...
Mar 15, 2007
By Rabbi Yikhat Rozen
The Head of the Yeshiva Joins a Demonstration
The Head of the Yeshiva Joins a Demonstration
A Lesson For the Children – Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neria was the Rosh Yeshiva of Kefar Haroeh and the head of all the Bnei Akiva Yeshivot. His practice was to allow...
Mar 8, 2007
By Rabbi Yikhat Rozen
Time Warp Again? Take a Step Toward Tradition
Time Warp Again? Take a Step Toward Tradition
When I think back to my bat mitzvah 30-plus years ago, here’s what I remember most: following the photographer’s prompts as I posed against the tree in the synagogue courtyard, standing...
Mar 2, 2007
By Judy Gruen
Faced By…
Faced By…
Elegance floats by like a cloud. Hair, like a clear waterfall, softly cascades over carefree shoulders and down a perfectly sloped back. Eyes, like emeralds set in the finest china, framed...
Mar 2, 2007
By Mendel Jacobson
Making the World Safe for Pastry
Making the World Safe for Pastry
The story of Valerie Peckler The Purim story is the first story of the Bible that deals in a modern ambiguity – disaster is averted, things work out in the end,...
Mar 1, 2007
By Debra B. Darvick
Is Everything Lost?
Is Everything Lost?
Holy and Secular “She is insane, simply insane,” one of the young maidservants said. “She has simply gone mad. You know very well that I would have no problem fasting for...
Mar 1, 2007
By Rabbi Amichai Gordin
Sderot: A City Under Siege
Sderot: A City Under Siege
Sderot is a ghost town. The streets are empty; the parks are barren; the stores are closed, and for sale signs are on some of the homes. Only ‘some’ of the...
Mar 1, 2007
By Rabbi Avi Baumol
The Pig’s End
The Pig’s End
A Lesson For the Children: Gustov owned a large farm. The yard near his house was full of chickens and ducks, and in huts at the end of the yard he...
Feb 28, 2007
By Rabbi Yikhat Rozen

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