Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

To Die For
To Die For
There’s a popular cross-cultural expression that’s floating around, and it has a variety of uses. If you say something is “to-die-for,” it’s the same as saying “great” or “fantastic.” If a...
Apr 19, 2007
By Joyce Schur
The Forefathers
The Forefathers
Not Herzl, nor the Biluim, and not the brave pioneers of the First and Second Aliya can be credited with being the sole precursors of the return to Zion, which led...
Apr 19, 2007
By Leah Abramowitz
Not My Story…
Not My Story…
Not too long ago I found myself in Zichron Yaakov on business with a few coworkers. I hadn’t been there since the summer of 2002 when Zahava and I visited this...
Apr 12, 2007
By David Bogner
Shalom, Always in our thoughts, as the anniversary of our son’s death approaches I feel the need to write, as we experience the turmoil in Israel in these very difficult times....
Apr 12, 2007
By Penina Mellick
Following the Letter of the Law
Following the Letter of the Law
At some point in our learning of the various halachot (Jewish laws) my brother and I, both newly observant, realized that the upcoming holiday of Pesach (Passover) might be problematic. The...
Mar 29, 2007
By Rachel Ben David
The Four Suns
The Four Suns
The sun shines with the same warmth on the gutters as it does on the palaces, just as it rains with the same force on the prisons as it does on...
Mar 29, 2007
By Mendel Jacobson
The Frog and the “Steipler” Rabbi
The Frog and the “Steipler” Rabbi
Holy and Secular: How were the frogs distributed throughout all of the land of Egypt? Rabbi Akiva gives us a very amazing explanation. “There was one frog, and the Egyptians would...
Mar 28, 2007
By Rabbi Amichai Gordin
Locusts and Lentils
Locusts and Lentils
Rachel just doesn’t get it. I’ve explained it again and again. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A chance to become a part of Jewish history. To not just live as a...
Mar 22, 2007
By Brian Blum
Did Eliyahu Appear or Not?
Did Eliyahu Appear or Not?
A Lesson For the Children – One day a Jew arrived to see Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev. He was a simple but very rich man, a great philanthropist and a...
Mar 22, 2007
By Rabbi Yikhat Rozen
Purpose in a Moment
Purpose in a Moment
“We Do Not Know the Purpose of One Moment of Life” (quote by Rabbi Ezriel Tauber) Terri Schiavo died almost two years ago after being in a persistent vegetative state (PVS)...
Mar 21, 2007
By Esther Heller

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