Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Where Are the Flags?
Where Are the Flags?
For a few days, I thought that perhaps I was misremembering. But as the days after Pesach continued to flow by, it was clear. Something was different. In years past, almost...
May 22, 2007
By Daniel Gordis
Last Dance
Last Dance
We have a new grandson, Avrohom Simcha. The “simcha” is for happiness. The “Avrohom” is for my father— ”Abe” to those he dealt with in business; “Avremel” or “Avremele” to his...
May 18, 2007
By Rochelle Krich
Jerusalem: A Love Story
Jerusalem: A Love Story
I cannot sleep; your pearly dawn beckons. I arise and watch the clouds move across a pink and blue-gray sky. The necklace of streetlights goes out and the sunrise illuminates the...
May 17, 2007
By Michelle Gordon, winner of OU Jerusalem Writing Contest
Was it a Piece of Glass or a Precious Jewel?
Was it a Piece of Glass or a Precious...
A Lesson For the Children – Rabbi Kahane, a prominent rabbi of the Amoraim in the time of the Talmud, wanted his son Salik to study Torah. He was five years...
May 17, 2007
By Rabbi Yikhat Rozen
Profiles in Courage: Living in East Jerusalem
Profiles in Courage: Living in East Jerusalem
Miriam and Daniel Schwab have grown accustomed to the nightly 4:00 AM blaring that serves as the public summons to prayer for Muslim worshipers early each morning. (In Islam, the tradition...
May 16, 2007
By Leah Granof
The Occupation
The Occupation
Holy and Secular – “Forty years since the liberation of Jerusalem,” the sign at the entrance to the capital declares. “Forty years of occupation,” is written on a sign at an...
May 10, 2007
By Rabbi Amichai Gordin
Don’t Animalize Me!
Don’t Animalize Me!
Crazy just got kicked up a notch. Wacky just bought a whole new wardrobe. Just when I thought the world we live in was at its maximum level of insanity, Weird...
May 10, 2007
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
My Grandmother, the Doctor
My Grandmother, the Doctor
The first time I got in trouble at school I was in kindergarten. One day, after we had successfully read “See Spot Run” and in the midst of painting a forest...
May 10, 2007
By Judy Gruen
The Power of Joy
The Power of Joy
A Lesson For the Children – Anybody who did not attend the wedding of Yosef and Rachel has absolutely no idea what true happiness is. The new couple, with their friends...
May 4, 2007
By Rabbi Yikhat Rozen
Future Generations
Future Generations
I looked at my oldest grandson right before his Bar Mitzvah and almost couldn’t believe it, I was really standing in this place, in this moment. He is such a good...
Apr 25, 2007
By Judith Bron

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