Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

It’s Pronounced “Jif,” Not “Giff” (And Why That Matters)
It’s Pronounced “Jif,” Not “Giff” (And Why That Matters)
I usually write about matters of Jewish thought but, given my background in linguistics, my pedantic personality and my tendency to use words like “pedantic,” I occasionally write about things like...
Sep 18, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Defending Nationalism
Parshat Ki Teitzei presents a seemingly harsh set of guidelines for inclusion within the Jewish people. Marriage is strictly limited to pedigreed Jews and, additionally, not all races are granted access...
Sep 12, 2019
By Rabbi Moshe Taragin
Even the Devil Can Cite Scripture
Even the Devil Can Cite Scripture
There is a certain Jewish activist organization that opposes Israel’s “occupation” of the West Bank and Gaza. The week of parshas Shoftim, this organization tweeted: This shabbat is Shabbat Shoftim. That...
Sep 11, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Opening Words for Elul Zman: On the Shloshim of Dvir Sorek H”YD
Opening Words for Elul Zman: On the Shloshim of...
On Sunday, we were privileged to host the honorable President, Mr. Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin for Elul Zman at Ohr Torah Stone’s Robert M. Beren Machanaim Hesder Yeshiva. Addressing the president and...
Sep 5, 2019
By Rabbi Kenneth Brander
Book Review: God versus gods
Book Review: God versus gods
God versus gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein Mosaica Press For 12 years, I’ve served as the administrator of the OU’s Nach Yomi, the two-year cycle...
Sep 4, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Kosher World
At the core of Jewish identity lies Kosher dietary laws and kosher eating. Almost every “identified” Jew maintains some minimal standard of a kosher diet. Kosher laws themselves are Divine will...
Aug 29, 2019
By Rabbi Moshe Taragin
It Kind of Is Your Fault
It Kind of Is Your Fault
One of the most interesting aspects of my job is the random assortment of questions that I’m privileged to answer. It’s always enlightening to see what others come up with that...
Aug 28, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
The White Coat
The White Coat
Symbols.  The ancient world had symbols for fertility, wealth, birth and death.  Today’s world is replete with them.  The blue-and- white wheelchair occupied by a stick figure.  The red circle with...
Aug 21, 2019
By Hylton I. Lightman, MD, DCH (SA), FAAP
“Naar Hayisi Gam Zakanti”
“Naar Hayisi Gam Zakanti”
There’s a verse from Tehillim that (with the exception of the Chabad minhag) is recited at the end of bentching (birkas hamazon/grace after meals) and is sung as a beautiful niggun....
Aug 20, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Our Intense Focus on Torah Education is Celebrated, Yet it’s Flawed
Our Intense Focus on Torah Education is Celebrated, Yet...
Complementing the creation of the State of Israel, the revitalization of Torah study in both Israel and the Diaspora has been pivotal to the rejuvenation of Jewry following the unfathomable horror of the...
Aug 8, 2019
By Moishe Bane

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