Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Cyber Towers of Bavel
Cyber Towers of Bavel
Sadly, an entire planet had suffered total moral collapse and was tragically annihilated by the violent waters of the flood. Noach’s world disappears and humanity must be rebuilt from scratch. A...
Oct 30, 2019
By Rabbi Moshe Taragin
Learning Torah on the Eve of Yom Kippur
Learning Torah on the Eve of Yom Kippur
More than 2,000 people attended the Torah Yerushalayim event on Sunday, hosted by the OU Israel in the Ramada Jerusalem Hotel. The day was dedicated to learning in spiritual preparation for...
Oct 24, 2019
By OU Israel
A Parsha Lesson from Humpty Dumpty
A Parsha Lesson from Humpty Dumpty
Around twenty five years ago, on Shabbat Bereishit, I attended a Friday night talk of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l prior to Ma’ariv prayers. These extensive wide-ranging talks usually lasted more than...
Oct 24, 2019
By Rabbi Moshe Taragin
Book Review: Explorations Expanded
Book Review: Explorations Expanded
Explorations Expanded: Sefer Bereishit Rabbi Ari D. Kahn Kodesh Press 350 pages There are many, many contributors whose work appears on OU Torah in the form of written divrei Torah and...
Oct 23, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Creating Meaningful Opportunities for Orthodox Women on Simchat Torah
Creating Meaningful Opportunities for Orthodox Women on Simchat Torah
The essence of Simchat Torah is the completion of the reading of the Torah scroll, and the joy and celebration that naturally ensues from the annual culmination of the Torah-reading cycle....
Oct 23, 2019
By Rebbitzin Adina Shmidman
Book Review: A Theology of Holiness
Book Review: A Theology of Holiness
A Theology of Holiness Alec Goldstein Kodesh Press 258 pages Chapter 8 of this book starts with a quote from Socrates: “What is piety? That is an enquiry which I shall...
Oct 2, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Our Mistakes Need Not Define Us (But Maybe They Should)
Our Mistakes Need Not Define Us (But Maybe They...
There was a movie released this year called Official Secrets, which I haven’t seen and don’t intend to see. It stars a bunch of people I’ve never heard of and Keira...
Sep 25, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Elul- 3 Ways To Restore Your Relationship
Elul- 3 Ways To Restore Your Relationship
The month of Elul marks the beginning of the High Holiday season, an opportunity to restore our relationship with G-d. While improving ourselves spiritually in our relationship with the Divine, may...
Sep 24, 2019
By Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin
A Rosh Yeshiva Wrote a Novel Under a Pseudonym. It’s Pretty Good.
A Rosh Yeshiva Wrote a Novel Under a Pseudonym....
In the highly-polarized environment of contemporary Jewish culture, it’s easier to imagine a rosh yeshiva banning fiction than writing it. Imagine my surprise when I received a copy of The Idiom...
Sep 24, 2019
By Dr. Henry Abramson
Destruction, Repentance and Rebuilding
Destruction, Repentance and Rebuilding
Every year, I’m struck by the way the themes of the month of Av seem to morph seamlessly into those of Elul. During the summer, we talk about the variety of...
Sep 19, 2019
By Sarah Rudolph

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