Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Judaism Is Too Stringelenient
Judaism Is Too Stringelenient
Do we make things unnecessarily hard on ourselves or do we conspire to avoid our responsibilities?
Apr 17, 2013
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
The Conversion
The Conversion
Shavuot is the ultimate holiday of transformation, exemplified by Ruth, who radically transformed herself from a Moabite to a Jew. Get a glimpse into one couple's transformation from assimilation and intermarriage...
Apr 11, 2013
By Harold Berman and Gayle Redlingshafer Berman
A Bold Suggestion for Your <em>Seder</em> This Year
A Bold Suggestion for Your Seder This Year
Is the "current model" really what the rabbis had in mind? Probably not. 8 questions to generate robust table-side discussions.
Mar 22, 2013
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
<em>Seder</em> Lessons: Religion Is Like a Relationship
Seder Lessons: Religion Is Like a Relationship
Apply the secret of happy couples to Judaism and watch it flourish.
Mar 22, 2013
By Rabbi Eliyahu Fink
What Would It Take to Silence <em>Your</em> Ego?
What Would It Take to Silence Your Ego?
It takes something different to get each of us thinking about humility.
Mar 21, 2013
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Is Your Commitment to Judaism Strong Enough?
Is Your Commitment to Judaism Strong Enough?
As temptations reach new heights, our level of commitment must rise as well.
Mar 21, 2013
By Yaakov Weiland
Yosef Mendelevich: The Man Who Took on the KGB
Yosef Mendelevich: The Man Who Took on the KGB
A heroic story of faith, courage and survival.
Mar 15, 2013
By OU Staff
Regrets When It’s Time to Say Goodbye
Regrets When It’s Time to Say Goodbye
Hearing about "what could have been" or "what didn't have to be" is a stark reminder that we need not wait until our deathbed to get our affairs in order.
Mar 14, 2013
By Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
A Chareidi Woman in the IDF
A Chareidi Woman in the IDF
"I don't care if it's 'inappropriate.' This is my dream."
Mar 10, 2013
By Stephen Savitsky
I Want to Stop Being Jewish (Q&A)
I Want to Stop Being Jewish (Q&A)
This article originally appeared on   Dear Jew in the City, Here’s a question that no one seems to be willing to answer…how can one EXIT the Jewish community and why...
Mar 7, 2013
By Allison Josephs

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