Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Confessions of a Shomer Shabbat Hollywood Screenwriter Part 2
Confessions of a Shomer Shabbat Hollywood Screenwriter Part 2
In the most recent issue of Jewish Action magazine, Robert J. Avrech penned an article about what it’s like to be a successful Shomer Shabbos screenwriter in the bowels of Hollywood....
Jan 15, 2014
By Michael Orbach
Interview with Avi Berman
Listen to Rabbi Avi Berman, director of the OU Israel Center, discuss Aliyah and Anglo life in Israel. Read more about this topic in the upcoming Spring issue of Jewish Action!...
Jan 14, 2014
By Stephen Savitsky
Aliyah Lessons from Sylvester Stallone
Aliyah Lessons from Sylvester Stallone
My wife and I have developed a profound love of pajamas. It is deep and unconditional. We are also quite fond of each other. The alignment of these two factors translates...
Jan 13, 2014
By Elie Klein
The Sights and Sounds of NCSY’s Yarchei Kallah
In the Stamford Hilton’s ballroom — now transformed into a rather crowded shul — NCSY advisor Ayelet Roller led a discussion about the story of the Tower of Babel. Why, she...
Jan 9, 2014
By Michael Orbach
Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Our Community: Genetics, Knowledge and Prevention
Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Our Community: Genetics, Knowledge...
Anna’s aunt was 35 years old when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy.  Anna’s great-grandmother had breast cancer before turning 50.  Anna knew that these facts...
Jan 9, 2014
By graberb
Let’s Make Some Sense Out of This!
Let’s Make Some Sense Out of This!
Every so often, a piece of breaking health news sweeps the media and reaches the public through every major news network.  A couple of weeks ago, the following headline began rapidly...
Jan 7, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
Teaching Your Kids How To Deal With Bullies
In this week’s Parsha, Moshe could not stand by and watch his Jewish brothers suffering. He took matters into his own hands, he stood up to a bully. It seems as...
Jan 2, 2014
By Adina Soclof
Healthy Obesity – Myth?
Healthy Obesity – Myth?
Every so often, a piece of news hits from the world of health that is so big it is picked up by every news outlet there is.  And a couple of...
Jan 2, 2014
By Alan Freishtat
She Sacrificed For Mikvah Then Something Incredible Happened
She Sacrificed For Mikvah Then Something Incredible Happened
"It’s my hope that every so often we are shown something out of the ordinary as a reminder that while there are reasons to doubt, there are also reasons to believe....
Jan 2, 2014
By Allison Josephs
Rabbi Cohen visits a Shopping Center in Stamford CT in search of G-d’s shopping list and New Years resolutions. Rabbi Daniel Cohen is the senior rabbi of OU member synagogue Congregation...
Dec 26, 2013
By florence

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