Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Savitsky Talks – Interview with YU Basketball Coach Dr. Jonathan Halpert
Savitsky Talks – Interview with YU Basketball Coach Dr....
Steve and Jon discuss Jon’s upcoming book “Are You Still Coaching?” and reflect on Dr. Halpert’s celebrated career as the Basketball coach at Yeshiva University. Savitsky Talks is a weekly 20 minute...
Feb 28, 2014
By Stephen Savitsky
When It’s Not An Accident: Self-Injury Awareness Day
When It’s Not An Accident: Self-Injury Awareness Day
I recently received an email informing me that Saturday, March 1, is Self Injury Awareness Day. Never having heard of such a thing, I took to the interwebs and learned that,...
Feb 27, 2014
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Champion of the Jewish People and Friend to the OU: Radio Host Nachum Segal
Champion of the Jewish People and Friend to the...
When the Nachum Segal Network ( announced that it would air its first-ever “Kosher Halftime Show” during the recent Super Bowl XLVIII, the Orthodox Union jumped on board as a co-sponsor....
Feb 26, 2014
By Batya Rosner
Megillas Lester: The First Purim Movie
Megillas Lester: The First Purim Movie
Poor Lester. He may go down as the boy who ruined Purim. Megillas Lester, an animated feature by KolRom Multimedia (the company behind the animated clips at the Siyum HaShas at...
Feb 20, 2014
By OU Staff
Keep Smiling: One NCSYer’s Tragedy Reverberates Around the World
Keep Smiling: One NCSYer’s Tragedy Reverberates Around the World
When tragedy struck Orly Ohayon, a member of Southern NCSY’s Jacksonville Chapter (JAX), teens around the world reacted. Her story resonated because of its horrible particulars: as Orly and her mother...
Feb 20, 2014
By OU Staff
The Gabbai With Autism: A Living Lesson in Inclusion
The Gabbai With Autism: A Living Lesson in Inclusion
Meet Eli Gorelik, the twenty-three-year-old gabbai whom Tifereth Israel’s 200-member congregation has come to respect and rely upon. He’s likely one of the youngest gabbaim in the world. He’s also probably...
Feb 20, 2014
By Bayla Sheva Brenner
Finding My Way Back: Shlomo’s Story
Finding My Way Back: Shlomo’s Story
I was an extremely creative child. I was a big reader. I would paint, draw pictures and write short stories and poems. I played guitar, bass and drums and wrote music....
Feb 19, 2014
By Jeanie Silver
Our Inclusion
Our Inclusion
Sometimes I stalk Rozie a little bit at school. I know it’s crazy mom behavior, but I can’t help it. I’m not worried; I love her school and teachers. I just...
Feb 18, 2014
By Sheva Givre
I Think I’m An Unlikely Inspiration, But It Seems to Work
I Think I’m An Unlikely Inspiration, But It Seems...
As told to Batya Rosner At some point in the past six months, I had a stunning revelation. When I began the process of going public with my training for the Miami...
Feb 12, 2014
By Andrea Levy
Infographic: Where Did We Go Wrong?
Infographic: Where Did We Go Wrong?
The Pew Report on American Jewish life has created quite a buzz for the past few months.   What to make of all the numbers? What can we—average people, congregational leadership, communal...
Feb 12, 2014
By Batya Rosner

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