Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Busy Law Students Don’t Pass Over Seder
Busy Law Students Don’t Pass Over Seder
Forget mock trial. How about a mock seder? This March, Jewish students and alumni at St. Thomas University School of Law enjoyed a mock seder courtesy of Southern NCSY. More than...
Apr 11, 2014
By OU Staff
An Incredibly Inspiring Chapter of Passover Seder Law
An Incredibly Inspiring Chapter of Passover Seder Law
This article originally appeared at When it comes to inspiration, most Orthodox Jews turn to glorious books of Mussar, or historical legends about our Torah sages, or fiery speeches by...
Apr 9, 2014
By Rabbi Eliyahu Fink
Accepting Our Own: The Bias Against Black-Hatters
Accepting Our Own: The Bias Against Black-Hatters
This article was originally published in The YU Observer. It was a recent Friday night in the Heights when, in the middle of a neutral conversation, someone suddenly slipped a derogatory aside...
Apr 9, 2014
By Yael Farzan
The Pesach Notebook
The Pesach Notebook
It’s the day after Purim and time to take down my Pesach notebook. Unlike the pots and pans and dishes that are packed up and put away in the back of...
Apr 7, 2014
By Susan Schwartz
Seattle NCSY JUMPS to New Heights
Seattle NCSY JUMPS to New Heights
Seattle NCSY is launching a line of t-shirts, called Insecuri-T’s; gathered hundreds of dollars worth of canned goods, raised more than $2,000 for an NCSYer’s rehabilitation following an accident; and inadvertently...
Apr 2, 2014
By OU Staff
Rising to the Occasion: Reviving the Practice of Standing up to Honor One’s Parents
Rising to the Occasion: Reviving the Practice of Standing...
This article was featured in Jewish Action Fall 2008. In the period that will precede the coming of Mashiach . . . youth will blanch the faces of elders; elders will stand...
Mar 31, 2014
By Jack (Yankl) Botwinik
Criminals in Our Midst
Criminals in Our Midst
It happened again. An Orthodox Jew – a teacher and a prominent member of his community – has been accused of a particularly heinous crime. I say “accused” not because he’s...
Mar 26, 2014
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
The Hasidic Jew Who Feeds All People With Dignity
The Hasidic Jew Who Feeds All People With Dignity
On the way to a speaking engagement in New Orleans this week, I found myself seated next to a woman with pink hair and lots of tattoos and piercings. We got...
Mar 25, 2014
By Allison Josephs
Need Purim? Google it.
Need Purim? Google it.
The Times of Israel blog has a heartwarming post about how Google helped a dedicated community bring Purim to an ill child. Alon Meltzer writes that his shul, The Hebrew Institute...
Mar 21, 2014
By OU Staff
This article was featured in Jewish Action Fall 2009 Finally, the rush and tumble of preparations ceased and all was still. Even I was still. I gazed up at her, enchanted. Her...
Mar 21, 2014
By Yael Zoldan

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