Inspiration 1711 articles

Need a boost? You’ve come to the right place. Stories and essays that center around the depth and beauty of life.

Who Will Give the Orthodox Jewish Community a Voice?
The elections for the American delegation to the World Zionist Congress are underway, and unlike a normal election, voters have over a month to make their choice. One of the major...
Jan 29, 2020
By Moshe Hill
Time After Time
Time After Time
Parshat Bo chronicles the dramatic redemption of the Jewish people from a two hundred-year nightmare of backbreaking slavery and oppression. The great “night of redemption” is punctuated by celebratory rituals which...
Jan 29, 2020
By Rabbi Moshe Taragin
The Decision
The birth of Moshe represents a turning point of the Jewish saga in Egypt. This would-be savior arrives as the Jewish slaves are being mercilessly crushed by Egyptian oppression. Pharaoh had...
Jan 15, 2020
By Rabbi Moshe Taragin
A 3 Month Reflection on NCSY Israel
As we began preparing our quarterly report, I felt the need to reflect on my first 3three months working with NCSY Israel. I started the position in September and since then...
Jan 8, 2020
By Gavriel Novick
The Siyum Hashas, Met-Life and Goshen
Each of the fifty-two sections or parshiyot of the Torah are separated from the previous section by an empty space of at least nine letters. There is only one exception to...
Jan 6, 2020
By Rabbi Moshe Taragin
A Shidduch For A Shas
A Shidduch For A Shas
Making a “Shidduch” is certainly a great honor. In our traditional world one usually thinks of a shidduch in marital terms, i.e. of introducing two life partners to each other. Besides...
Dec 31, 2019
By Barbara Cooper Radinsky
Lulay by Zevi Kaufman Written in Honor of Siyum...
Watch and listen to the song by Zevi Kaufman which was written in honor of Siyum HaShas 2020.  
Dec 30, 2019
By OU Staff
Orthodox Union Study Program Comes to Phoenix
“Great launch of @SCP_Learning at the Yeshiva in Phoenix this week, a packed house!” read a Nov. 1 tweet from Jeremy Rovinsky. “All kinds of observant Jews — Litvish, Chabad, Modern,...
Dec 19, 2019
By Ellen O'Brien
Yachad does it all together
Yachad does it all together
There’s something about Yachad that makes people keep coming back to it. Yachad is the Orthodox Union-run organization that provides programs, services, advocacy, support, and love to people with disabilities and...
Dec 12, 2019
By Joanne Palmer
Peloton: Problem or Pretext?
Peloton: Problem or Pretext?
Even if you haven’t seen it, there’s a very good chance you’ve read about it. I’m referring, of course, to the now-infamous Peloton commercial. In the ad, a man surprises his...
Dec 11, 2019
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

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