Purim & 4 Parshiyot 60 articles


Purim 2020
Purim 2020
Megillat Esther is not just a story, let alone a simple one. There are lessons to be gleaned that can help us to address issues that are eclipsing life. Let’s begin...
Mar 5, 2020
By Hylton I. Lightman, MD, DCH (SA), FAAP
Shaul vs. Esther: Learning to Live a Committed Life
Shaul vs. Esther: Learning to Live a Committed Life
As we approach Purim, the focus of the days immediately preceding the holiday becomes the long history of the relationship between Amalek and the Jewish people. Beginning with the few pesukim...
Mar 11, 2019
By Avi Muschel, PsyD
Superheroes Deliver Purim Treats at Tel Aviv Children’s Hospital
Superheroes Deliver Purim Treats at Tel Aviv Children’s Hospital
Purim is here, and nobody’s getting left behind. The residents of Ichilov Hospital’s children’s ward (in Tel Aviv) were surprised when volunteers dressed as Superman, Batman and Spiderman began scaling the...
Feb 28, 2018
By The Forward
Purim: Looking Beyond the Surface
Purim: Looking Beyond the Surface
Rav Shlomo Wolbe, in his Sefer Alei Shur, teaches a fascinating idea about the nature of the miracle of Purim. He explains that unlike other miracles, which required an “open revelation”...
Feb 28, 2018
By Bracha Poliakoff
CUI: Commitment Under the Influence
CUI: Commitment Under the Influence
My father is always ready with a humorous marriage joke. One that generates noticeable laughter is when he quips, “I’ve been married for forty years but it feels like two days…(pause...
Feb 22, 2018
By Rabbi Pinny Roth
Take the Purim Pledge
Take the Purim Pledge
The month of Adar is a period of celebration on the Jewish calendar, culminating in the celebration of Purim. The consumption of alcohol on Purim is just one of the many...
Feb 7, 2018
By OU Staff
Purim Celebrations Cancelled in Brussels
From YNet: Following the attacks at the airport and subway station in Brussels Tuesday morning, the Jewish community has cancelled its Purim celebrations at the behest of the police. Over a...
Mar 23, 2016
By OU Staff
Is Esther True?
Rabbi Gil Student writes in the Jewish Link of New Jersey: The holiday of Purim celebrates the story told in the biblical book of Esther. Yet, as we read the Megillah,...
Mar 21, 2016
By Rabbi Gil Student
Purim: Inner Meaning and Respecting the Limits
“Rava said: One is required to become intoxicated on Purim until the point that he cannot differentiate between ‘Cursed be Haman’ and ‘Blessed be Mordechai.'” (Gemara Megillah 7b) Why is inebriation...
Mar 21, 2016
By Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer
The Sound of Esther’s Silence
The belief in the eternity of Israel—that the Jews will be saved somehow no matter what—poses a challenge to Mordechai as he urges Esther to place her life in the balance...
Mar 16, 2016
By Yoram Hazony

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