Bittersweet: The Sweetest Marror
When I was growing up, my Zeidy was the king of our Seder. His afikomen was by far the hardest to steal, actually nearly impossible, because he “hid” it in his...
Mar 25, 2009
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham

Chicken Soup Sinkers
Passover’s just around the corner and in an effort to wrap my head around the enormity of renovating, cause let’s face it, getting rid of every scrap of “chametz” is a...
Mar 25, 2009
By Sarah Arbess

The Seder: Birth of the Chesed Community
Based on a commentary in the new Haggadah, The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening, with the commentary of “the Rav”, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik . Compiled by Rabbi Simon Posner. The birth...
Mar 24, 2009
By OU Press Staff

Va’yeda Elokim: What did God Know?
Based on a commentary in the new Haggadah, The Seder Night: An Exalted Evening, with the commentary of “the Rav”, Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik . Compiled by Rabbi Simon Posner. For the...
Mar 19, 2009
By Shelomo Dobkin

Healthy Passover Pleasures
Most traditional Pesach recipes are high in calories, carbohydrates and fat, but are low in fiber. Traditions are hard to break and favorite foods are difficult to “pass up,” especially during...
Feb 19, 2009
By Norene Gilletz

Va’era: Four Cups at the Seder – Four Stages...
At the beginning of our parsha, HaShem explains to Moshe that He will redeem the Jewish people in four successive stages: “Therefore go and tell the children of Israel, I am...
Jan 22, 2009
By Asher Meir

Passover in Paradise
The phone rang at home last fall and a voice said “Is this Ashley Farnell?”“Yes,” I replied.“Ashley Farnell the kosher chef?” again I replied “yes”, now wondering if this is some...
May 1, 2008
By Ashley Farnell, The Culinary Magician

Acharei Mot: Nullification of Chametz
The elimination of chametz has two distinct parts: the search for chametz and the nullification of chametz. Our sages tell us that according to strict Torah law, one of these would...
Apr 17, 2008
By Asher Meir

Seeing Double…and Other Ironies of Pesach
When Shakespeare wrote that April is the cruelest month, he sure knew what he was talking about. In New York, where I live, April showers have less to do with rain...
Apr 17, 2008
By Barbara Bensoussan

Make Your Sheep Count!
What is unique about sheep? They play a prominent role in the Pesach story and its commemorative commandments. Starting back in Egypt, G-d tells Moshe that each Jewish family should take...
Apr 17, 2008
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
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