Our Daily Bread: More than the Sum of its...
The restaurant was bustling. Joyous noise and laughter filled the room as waiters and waitresses bustled to and fro, bringing trays of food or removing the empty plates of sated diners....
Jun 17, 2010
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

Tazria: Nullification of Chametz
The Torah forbids us from having chametz in our possession from noon on Pesach eve until the end of the holiday. But since the Torah states, “no chametz shall be seen...
Apr 16, 2010
By Asher Meir

Pesach: A Mini-Reflections Hagadah
Pesach is what we call it, while Hashem calls it Chag Hamatzos. The Berditchever Rebbe famously explained: Pesach is what Hashem did for us. Chag Hamatzos is our great leap of...
Mar 25, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander

Gaining Our Freedom Each and Every Year: A Pesach...
”In each and every generation” – and in fact every single year – we are obligated to see ourselves as having personally left the slavery of Egypt, no doubt an educational...
Mar 25, 2010
By Judah S. Harris
The Four Sons: Revisiting a Familiar Passover Narrative
The stage is set – the table is bedecked in fine linen; the chairs, with soft pillows. The props are in place – the Seder plate, Elijah’s cup, the matzot. The...
Mar 24, 2010
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

Vayikra: Eating on Erev Pesach
The Shulchan Aruch states that it is forbidden to eat a bread meal from the tenth hour onward on Erev Pesach (SA OC 571:1). (Of course the reference is to matza...
Mar 18, 2010
By Asher Meir

PHOTO ESSAY: Visit to the Matzah Bakery
The hand matzah you’ll eat the nights of the seder could have come from any one of a number of bakeries, but if it came from the Charedim Matzah Bakery in...
Mar 17, 2010
By Judah S. Harris

Teaching the Value of Freedom at the Seder
Imagine the following Seder “teaching” technique. (Full disclosure: my wife has forbidden me from actually doing this at our Seder this year. Or any year.) After Kiddush, sometime after eating the...
Mar 17, 2010
By Rabbi Reuven Spolter

Writing the Story
Moses is described as the “safra rabah, the great scribe of Israel” (Sotah 13b). Moses was surely a scribe in the technical sense; as Rambam noted in his Introduction to the...
Mar 9, 2010
By Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Jewish Law: Selling Chametz
The Torah forbids a Jew, during Pesach, not just from eating chametz but even from deriving benefit from his chametz. Furthermore, there is an additional prohibition of even owning chametz on...
Mar 8, 2010
By Rabbi Yosef Fleischman
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