Holidays 480 articles

The Strength of a Child (Part 1)
The Strength of a Child (Part 1)
The following events took place in England during the Second World War. German airplanes flew in the sky every night, dropping bombs and spreading destruction in the cities and the small...
Dec 6, 2007
By Rabbi Yikhat Rozen
Chanukah Eyes: A Mother’s Diary
Chanukah Eyes: A Mother’s Diary
The fourth night of Chanukah, my husband is late for the candle lighting. My children’s unlit clay menorahs are positioned precariously on the radiator. My second daughter, Elana, stares across the...
Dec 6, 2007
By Ruchama King Feuerman
Vayeishev: Chanukah
Vayeishev: Chanukah
In one of the most dramatic passages in the Mishneh Torah, the Rambam tells the story of Chanukah: how we suffered persecution spiritually and religiously (prohibition of Torah and mitzvot), materially...
Nov 30, 2007
By Asher Meir
Parashat Vayeishev: Speaking A Language They Understand
Parashat Vayeishev: Speaking A Language They Understand
Parshiot Vayishlach and Vayeishev 5768 PART ONE: The Language They Understand PART TWO: Trusting in God to Provide PART ONE: The language they understand The two parshiyot of Vayishlach and Vayeishev,...
Nov 29, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Feeding the Chanukah Gathering
Feeding the Chanukah Gathering
With 8 whole days of Chanukah looming ahead, here are some holiday ideas for you to try out. They are great for Chanukah parties or get-togethers with family and friends, or...
Nov 29, 2007
By Tamar Ansh
Hanukkah Comes Early This Year, And the Potato Latkes Are Ready
Hanukkah Comes Early This Year, And the Potato Latkes...
Hanukkah comes early this year. You know that old joke? Jewish holidays are either early or late – they never come on time! The highlight, of course, was our Hanukkah party....
Nov 21, 2007
By Judy Bart Kancigor
A is for Apples: A-peel-ing Apple Desserts!
A is for Apples: A-peel-ing Apple Desserts!
The weather is quickly turning cooler and the days are getting shorter. It’s hard to believe that fall is finally here. When my children were young, they loved to go apple-picking,...
Oct 11, 2007
By Norene Gilletz
Succot and Shemini Atzeret: The Spirit of the Sukkah and Iran, The Final Redemption
Succot and Shemini Atzeret: The Spirit of the Sukkah...
Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret 5768 Part One: Yehoshua bin Nun and Shemini Atzeret Part Two: Iran, The Final Redemption Part One: Yehoshua bin Nun and Shemini Atzeret The Gemara in Pesachim...
Sep 25, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Yom Kippur: Kol Nidrei
Yom Kippur: Kol Nidrei
KOL NIDREI The Yom Kippur liturgy is identified especially with the “Kol Nidrei” chant. The Kol Nidrei, though an ancient custom (it is mentioned in the Zohar and in the early...
Sep 20, 2007
By Asher Meir
Charity Can Overturn a Harsh Judgment
Charity Can Overturn a Harsh Judgment
A Lesson For the Children – On the night of Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai had a dream. In the dream, Rabbi Shimon saw that it was decreed that his...
Sep 20, 2007
By Rabbi Yikhat Rozen

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