Holidays 480 articles

Breaking in Order to Build
Breaking in Order to Build
Thinking about the upcoming observance of Tisha b’Av, I was struck by a bit of irony. (At least, I think it’s irony, though I’ve been a little paranoid ever since I...
Jul 18, 2018
By Sarah Rudolph
The Psychology of Tisha B’Av & Kinot: Five Questions for Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
The Psychology of Tisha B’Av & Kinot: Five Questions...
We recently had the privilege of speaking with Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb about the deeper meaning of Tisha B’Av. Rabbi Weinreb, a clinical psychotherapist and internationally-renowned Torah scholar, hosts the...
Jul 18, 2018
By OU Staff
9 Questions for 9 Av
9 Questions for 9 Av
1. What is Tisha b’Av? Tisha b’Av – the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av – is the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. It commemorates a number of...
Jul 18, 2018
By Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Tisha b’Av: When It’s Wrong to be Right
Tisha b’Av: When It’s Wrong to be Right
For as long as I can remember, “winning,” has been a goal of mine. Board games. Athletics. Test scores. My enjoyment of these topics usually depended on if I was winning...
Jul 16, 2018
By Scott Shulman
When Nothing Feels Missing: How Do We Make Tisha B’Av Personal?
When Nothing Feels Missing: How Do We Make Tisha...
Yom Kippur is my favorite day of the year (I know, I’m weird). The intensity, the single-minded focus that spending the day davening in shul allows, the steps of teshuva and...
Jul 16, 2018
By Ariela Davis
Letting Go
Letting Go
A Holocaust survivor chooses to let go, with regards to his best friend’s act of betrayal during the War. Watch this inspiring story from Rabbi Yoel Gold’s “Inspire Clips”.
Jul 16, 2018
By Rabbi Yoel Gold
Mashiach’s Hat
Mashiach’s Hat
(Originally published as “Ode to Purim”) “yeshno am echod m’Foozar umi’forud” To all of “us”, from one of “them”. ————————————— T’was the night of the geulah, and in every single shteibel,...
Jul 16, 2018
By Rabbi Yitzchok Feigenbaum
Delicious Lasagna Recipes for Shavuot!
Delicious Lasagna Recipes for Shavuot!
Shavuot is one of those culinary centric holidays where everyone is trying to outdo everyone else with crazy over the top dairy recipes and anyone who is lactose intolerant gives a...
May 9, 2018
By Eileen Goltz
Pesach is Creating Memories I Never Had
Pesach is Creating Memories I Never Had
Pesach is one of the few Jewish holidays that baalei teshuva (BTs) and frum from births (FFBs) can both reminisce about. Sure, a BT’s memories may be more about Manischewitz wine,...
Mar 27, 2018
By Alexandra Fleksher
Bringing Tam to Our Table
Bringing Tam to Our Table
I met a man a few years ago who had once been a well known student of a famed Torah scholar. I was shocked when I discovered that although he could...
Mar 27, 2018
By Ariela Davis

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