Holidays 480 articles

…in our hands
…in our hands
Every year I hold a private celebration of the reunification of Jerusalem. It is a treasured ritual whereby I lock the door to my office, turn off the lights, place a...
May 29, 2008
By David Bogner
Yom Yerushalayim: For Thee, I Cry
Yom Yerushalayim: For Thee, I Cry
I am sure psychologists call is some fancy term, but permit me my own: Delayed Cry Reaction (DCR) Moshe’le (age 4) and Rochel (age 3) are playing in the park. Moshe...
May 29, 2008
By Rabbi Asher Brander
Bechukotai: To Love and Respect
Bechukotai: To Love and Respect
A bright light of confusion surrounds the day we call Lag B’omer. Ask one Jew what it is and he might even give you two opinions. According to Pri Megadim (1),...
May 22, 2008
By Rabbi Asher Brander
Passover in Paradise
Passover in Paradise
The phone rang at home last fall and a voice said “Is this Ashley Farnell?”“Yes,” I replied.“Ashley Farnell the kosher chef?” again I replied “yes”, now wondering if this is some...
May 1, 2008
By Ashley Farnell, The Culinary Magician
Acharei Mot: Nullification of Chametz
Acharei Mot: Nullification of Chametz
The elimination of chametz has two distinct parts: the search for chametz and the nullification of chametz. Our sages tell us that according to strict Torah law, one of these would...
Apr 17, 2008
By Asher Meir
Seeing Double…and Other Ironies of Pesach
Seeing Double…and Other Ironies of Pesach
When Shakespeare wrote that April is the cruelest month, he sure knew what he was talking about. In New York, where I live, April showers have less to do with rain...
Apr 17, 2008
By Barbara Bensoussan
Make Your Sheep Count!
Make Your Sheep Count!
What is unique about sheep? They play a prominent role in the Pesach story and its commemorative commandments. Starting back in Egypt, G-d tells Moshe that each Jewish family should take...
Apr 17, 2008
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Parashat Acharei-Erev Pesach: The 5th Son, On the Wings of Eagles
Parashat Acharei-Erev Pesach: The 5th Son, On the Wings...
PART ONE – On the Wings of Eagles (and F-16s) PART TWO: The fifth son PART ONE – On the Wings of Eagles (and F-16s) You saw what I had done...
Apr 17, 2008
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
Seating Ancient and New at the Same Table
Seating Ancient and New at the Same Table
Passover is the most observed Jewish holiday of the year. Even those who never step inside a synagogue pull out all the stops for this one. With our celebratory meal, the...
Apr 16, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Pesach: In the Spirit of Fours
Pesach: In the Spirit of Fours
In the spirit of fours…Four quick Mini Reflections on Pesach 1. As I sit by my computer considering the mountain of work (and the molehill of time) that still lies before...
Apr 14, 2008
By Rabbi Asher Brander

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