Holidays 480 articles

Devarim: Erev Tisha b’Av on Shabbat
Devarim: Erev Tisha b’Av on Shabbat
Normally, the last meal eaten before the Tish’ b’Av fast is supposed to be a spare meal eaten in solitude, since the mourning of Tish’a b’Av begins already the day before....
Aug 7, 2008
By Asher Meir
Pinchas: Danger During the Three Weeks
Pinchas: Danger During the Three Weeks
The three weeks between the seventeenth of Tammuz and Tisha b’Av, between the anniversary of the breach of the wall of Yerushalaim and the anniversary of the destruction of the Mikdash,...
Jul 17, 2008
By Asher Meir
Fireworks! Parades! Barbecues! And Apple Pie…
Fireworks! Parades! Barbecues! And Apple Pie…
Fireworks! Parades! Barbecues! Flag-waving! It’s our nation’s birthday, and celebrating the Fourth of July with any of the above is as American as apple pie. But is our beloved classic dessert...
Jul 3, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor
Naso: Milk Foods on Shavuot
Naso: Milk Foods on Shavuot
A custom mentioned in many places is to eat milk foods at Shavuot, particularly in the daytime meal. In a previous column (as well as the forthcoming book) we connected this...
Jun 5, 2008
By Asher Meir
A Sacred Remembrance
A Sacred Remembrance
On Shavuos she lit the candles. So many candles, melting into wax puddles in their flimsy silver tins. The small flames were a thin pale blue like the veins on the...
Jun 5, 2008
By Yael Zoldan
Shavuot Can Be a Picnic
Shavuot Can Be a Picnic
Creating a menu for Shavuot can literally be a picnic. We’ve counted our Omer and now the fun begins! Food for the holiday should be happy, healthy and beautiful. We have...
Jun 5, 2008
By Debby Segura
Take the Lead
Take the Lead
Shavuot is just around the corner, and most of us are trying to remember what it is exactly that we are supposed to gain from the holiday. We know that it...
Jun 5, 2008
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Shavuot Is Always Dairy Delicious
Shavuot Is Always Dairy Delicious
Shavuot, which begins this year at sundown on June 8th, celebrates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Shavuot has been celebrated as an agricultural festival since the times of...
Jun 4, 2008
By Norene Gilletz
Capturing the Wall: The Story of Shavuot 1967
Capturing the Wall: The Story of Shavuot 1967
A brilliant flash shattered the darkness. The lonely climber saw in that blink of an eye that he was almost at the top of the peak, and around him a gorgeous...
Jun 4, 2008
By Aaron Hirsh
Shavuot: For the Love of Torah – 4 Mini Reflections
Shavuot: For the Love of Torah – 4 Mini...
1. They call it the Magen Avraham’s kasha. The most famous question regarding this least famous of Jewish holidays: Shavuot is 50 days after Pesach. Go back to the original Revelation...
Jun 4, 2008
By Rabbi Asher Brander

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