Holidays 480 articles

All Good Fasts Must Come To An End
All Good Fasts Must Come To An End
I can tell when the High Holidays are approaching, because I start getting those phone calls – from my family, my friends, my mother’s friends…even strangers! “Can I make the brisket...
Sep 25, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor
High Holiday Baking
High Holiday Baking
Cakes, cookies and breads that I bake for the Holidays, I bake only for the Holidays. Except for testing out recipes, that is. In this way, my High Holiday baked goods...
Sep 25, 2008
By Debby Segura
Break-the-Fast Meal Ideas
Break-the-Fast Meal Ideas
On Thursday, October 9th, when the sun sets and the first stars appear in the sky, Yom Kippur 2008/5769 will end. After fasting for over 24 hours and spending a day...
Sep 25, 2008
By Ronnie Fein
Simanim: Special Food As Signs For a Sweet and Healthy New Year
Simanim: Special Food As Signs For a Sweet and...
From the time I was a young child, I’ve known that Rosh Hashanah was associated with apples and honey, symbolizing sweetness for the coming New Year. My mother would make her...
Sep 25, 2008
By Norene Gilletz
Rosh Hashanah Reflections: Benefiting Our Great Nation By Drawing On Our Faith
Rosh Hashanah Reflections: Benefiting Our Great Nation By Drawing...
We are approaching the start of a new year, during which America will elect a new leader. As we use this time to reflect on our lives and how we lead...
Sep 24, 2008
By Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
A Rosh Hashana Prayer from Sderot
A Rosh Hashana Prayer from Sderot
One of the most powerful prayers of the entire high holidays is found not before the sounding of the shofar of Rosh Hashana nor during the ‘al chet’ on Yom Hakippurim,...
Sep 18, 2008
By Rabbi Avi Baumol
The Rosh Hashanah Seder
The Rosh Hashanah Seder
Symbolic Foods and Why We Eat Them, With Recipes As Rosh Hashana approaches, the preparations begin. And at my home, that’s an understatement. Getting clothes in order, setting up the seating...
Sep 18, 2008
By Debby Segura
Museum of You
Museum of You
Rummaging through your basement is like going to the Museum of You. You can browse through artifacts from the different eras of your life, and see how you have evolved from...
Sep 18, 2008
By Rabbi Leiby Burnham
Make Ahead Meals for Rosh Hashana
Make Ahead Meals for Rosh Hashana
We are about to come to the Days of Awe, when observant Jews contemplate their lives and their values, their relationships with people and with their Creator. The season begins at...
Sep 18, 2008
By Ronnie Fein
Rosh Hashana: Recipes Beneath the Apple Tree
Why do we specifically dip an apple in honey on Rosh Hashanah? One of the primary reasons why we use an apple is because of its sweetness. Coupled with the added...
Sep 17, 2008
By Chef Yochanan Lambiase

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