Holidays 480 articles

Purim: Fresh Ideas for Mishloach Manot
Purim: Fresh Ideas for Mishloach Manot
Say the word Purim and most of us think “hamantashen.” Nothing wrong with that, both metaphorically and gastronomically. The idea of eating Haman’s hat is a delicious one: not only for...
Feb 25, 2009
By Ronnie Fein
Secrets For a Simply Delicious Purim Seuda
Secrets For a Simply Delicious Purim Seuda
Preparing for a Purim Seuda is always a challenge, especially when you’re preparing for a large crowd. So many people, so little time! I received the following request a few days...
Feb 19, 2009
By Norene Gilletz
Healthy Passover Pleasures
Healthy Passover Pleasures
Most traditional Pesach recipes are high in calories, carbohydrates and fat, but are low in fiber. Traditions are hard to break and favorite foods are difficult to “pass up,” especially during...
Feb 19, 2009
By Norene Gilletz
Fruitful Offerings From Israel For Tu B’Shevat
Fruitful Offerings From Israel For Tu B’Shevat
Janna Gur recently visited Toronto, Canada and provided a sneak preview of her magnificent new cookbook, The Book of New Israeli Food (Schocken 2008) for Tu bi’Shvat for the Jewish National...
Feb 2, 2009
By Norene Gilletz
Tu B’Shvat: The Green Holiday
Tu B’Shvat: The Green Holiday
After cooking and eating, my favorite pastime is gardening. Since celebrating Tu Bishvat, the Festival of Trees, combines all three, it’s one of my favorite holidays. Some years ago my brother,...
Jan 28, 2009
By Faye Levy
Va’era: Four Cups at the Seder – Four Stages of Redemption
Va’era: Four Cups at the Seder – Four Stages...
At the beginning of our parsha, HaShem explains to Moshe that He will redeem the Jewish people in four successive stages: “Therefore go and tell the children of Israel, I am...
Jan 22, 2009
By Asher Meir
Light That Menorah! Candle Making at Kassel
Light That Menorah! Candle Making at Kassel
  Chanukah commemorates a miracle from ancient times when Jews rededicated a temple and lit candelabra with enough oil to last for one day. The oil miraculously burned for eight days,...
Dec 24, 2008
By Dana Dekel
Chanukah: Doughnuts With a Difference
Chanukah: Doughnuts With a Difference
A few years ago I started thinking about Hanukkah in May. I was at a Greek festival, and I tasted a pastry that struck me as the perfect Hanukkah treat. At...
Dec 18, 2008
By Faye Levy
Vayeishev: Ner Chanuka & Ner Havdalah
Vayeishev: Ner Chanuka & Ner Havdalah
On motzei Shabbat during Chanuka we must make havdala to mark the departing Shabbat and also light the Chanuka lights corresponding to the coming day. Which has precedence? Shulchan Arukh (OC...
Dec 18, 2008
By Asher Meir
Latkes Fit to Fry
Latkes Fit to Fry
I’m bored. Maybe it’s the 40-year itch, but I’ve been making the same Hanukkah potato latkes for decades. (Not that there’s anything wrong with them. Several years ago, in reviewing my...
Dec 18, 2008
By Judy Bart Kancigor

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