Holidays 480 articles

The Puzzling Story of the Megillah
The Puzzling Story of the Megillah
The story of Esther tells us in the most lively, realistic fashion, with a tinge of refined yet biting sarcasm, about paradoxical, absurd events, which are both tragic and comical at...
Feb 17, 2010
By Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski: Yeshivas Must Speak Out, Drunk On Purim is Not a Mitzvah!
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski: Yeshivas Must Speak Out, Drunk...
In the Talmud, there are differing opinions on some halachos, and we must conduct ourselves according to the rulings of the poskim. For example, R’ Yosi Hagelili believe that the issur...
Feb 17, 2010
By Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski
Mishpatim: Our Greatest Moment
Mishpatim: Our Greatest Moment
More than once, when I really need my friend’s help and “no” is simply not an option, I’ve asked for commitment before my request. The conversation might go like this: “Can...
Feb 9, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander
The Authentic Word of Torah
The Authentic Word of Torah
In a well-known passage, the Mechilta relates that the Holy One offered the Torah to the various nations of antiquity, but that all of them rejected it because of specific objections...
Feb 4, 2010
By Rabbi Norman Lamm
A Leap of Faith
A Leap of Faith
The first days and last days of Passover are related to each other, but are not identical. Each commemorates a different historic event. The first days of Passover celebrate the Exodus...
Jan 28, 2010
By Rabbi Norman Lamm
Beshalach: Tu B’Shevat & Shabbat Shira
Beshalach: Tu B’Shevat & Shabbat Shira
Rav Natan of Breslav writes: “Tu B’Shevat is always adjacent to Shabbat Shira, and sometimes it falls on Shabbat Shira itself” – as it does this year (and 30% of all...
Jan 28, 2010
By Asher Meir
Bo: Clocking the Exile
Bo: Clocking the Exile
How long were the Jews in Egypt? The Torah presents two versions: Version 1 The habitation of the B’nei Yisrael living in Egypt lasted four hundred and thirty years....
Jan 21, 2010
By Rabbi Asher Brander
Bo: Matza
Bo: Matza
In our parsha, we are given the mitzva to eliminate chametz from our homes during Pesach, and to eat matza during this time. Many different messages have been attached to this...
Jan 21, 2010
By Asher Meir
The Wicked Son
The Wicked Son
The wicked son, what does he say? “What is this service to you?!” (Ex. 12, 26, from the Passover Haggadah). There are many people today who openly violate many sacred Jewish...
Jan 18, 2010
By Rabbi Norman Lamm
Have a Heart: Lessons from 3 Plagues
Have a Heart: Lessons from 3 Plagues
The Plagues of Blood and Frogs It is ironic: what the Egyptians trusted most became the source of their travail and woe. The Nile was a deity for Egypt — and...
Jan 14, 2010
By Rabbi Norman Lamm

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