Holidays 480 articles

Tzav: Fast of the Firstborn
Tzav: Fast of the Firstborn
IMPORTANT CORRECTION This column indicates that the firstborn of the father does not need to fast (or participate in a siyum) on Erev Pesach. Actually, the Shulchan Aruch explicitly states that...
Mar 17, 2011
By Asher Meir
Purim: V’nehafoch Hu – An Opportunity for Change
Purim: V’nehafoch Hu – An Opportunity for Change
The greatest problem facing the Jewish People today is not anti-Semitism, nor is it the threat of Israel’s enemies; rather, it is the tragedy of massive assimilation and intermarriage. The statistics...
Mar 16, 2011
By Martin Polack
The Ultimate Plot
The Ultimate Plot
The Megillah is the ultimate Great Plot. Really. It has all the ingredients of The Good Novel – suspense, treachery, and the intervention of a Hidden Hand — never mentioned, but...
Mar 16, 2011
By Debbie Shapiro
Purim and the Blessing of Unity
Purim and the Blessing of Unity
Klal Yisrael. All of Israel. One people. One community. One. Newspapers and web sites recently reported about several hundred passengers – Orthodox yeshiva students, tourists, secular college-aged Jews on Birthright –...
Mar 16, 2011
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
Slice of Life, Purim
Slice of Life, Purim
One of the biggest problems I have when it comes to Purim is how I’m going to fill my myriad of Shalach Manot baskets and not have to take a second...
Mar 16, 2011
By Eileen Goltz
Vayikra: Eating on Erev Pesach
Vayikra: Eating on Erev Pesach
The Shulchan Aruch states that it is forbidden to eat a bread meal from the tenth hour onward on Erev Pesach (SA OC 571:1). (Of course the reference is to matza...
Mar 10, 2011
By Asher Meir
The Queen You Thought You Knew
The Queen You Thought You Knew
The Book of Esther can easily masquerade as a child’s tale. There’s a villain out to hang Mordechai and murder his countrymen; a king who enjoys drinking; and a beautiful and...
Mar 2, 2011
By Rabbi David Forhman
Experience Megillat Esther “Our Way”
Experience Megillat Esther “Our Way”
Don’t miss out, sign up now to include your deaf, hard of hearing, visually challenged, learning disabled, and elderly members of your community in this wonderful opportunity. Experience Megilat Esther in...
Feb 22, 2011
By Batya Jacob
I Light It! NCSY Chanukah Remix 2010
I Light It! NCSY Chanukah Remix 2010
I light it, you light it, and now NCSY lights it in a way that inspires the Jewish future and teens across the country with a musical exclusive. So move over...
Dec 6, 2010
By Joyce Schur
Miketz: Milk Foods
Miketz: Milk Foods
The Rema writes that it is proper to eat cheese at Chanukah because of the miracle that was wrought through milk, when Yehudit gave milk to the enemy leader to make...
Nov 30, 2010
By Asher Meir

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