Holidays 480 articles

What I Truly Desire
What I Truly Desire
Aseret Yimei Teshuva (10 Ten Days of Atonement) is a time for deep reflection and personal inventory individually and collectively, of our past deeds, misdeeds and omissions. It is a time...
Oct 2, 2011
By Sherrie B. Miller
Nitzavim-Vayeilech: Symbolism of the Shofar Blasts
Nitzavim-Vayeilech: Symbolism of the Shofar Blasts
The Torah tells us that Rosh HaShana is a “Yom Teruah”, meaning a “day of sounding the shofar” (Bamidbar 29:1). However, the sages of the Talmud inferred from the nuances of...
Sep 22, 2011
By Asher Meir
The Great Disappearing Act: Black Holes of Time
The Great Disappearing Act: Black Holes of Time
(Earlier in 2011, NASA’s Swift detected intense X-ray flares thought to be caused by a black hole devouring a star. The video model above and all photos below are courtesy of...
Sep 21, 2011
By Rabbi Yaakov Luban
Exotic Shofarot
Exotic Shofarot
Most shofarot are made from a ram’s horn. However, an increasing number of exotic shofarot are available from species such as the kudu, the gemsbok and the ibex. While some of...
Sep 21, 2011
By Natan Slifkin
Jewish Optimism
Jewish Optimism
Doom and gloom! That is how the Jewish cynic views the authentic Jewish life. Confining. Legalistic. Obligatory. A downer! So many somber remembrances. So many burdens and obligations. Praying three times...
Sep 13, 2011
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
Slice of Life: Honey
Slice of Life: Honey
Please note: Eileen Goltz is a freelance kosher food writer. The Orthodox Union makes no endorsements or representations regarding kashrut certification of various products/vendors referred to in her articles, blog, or...
Sep 13, 2011
By Eileen Goltz
Re’eh: Teshuvah
Re’eh: Teshuvah
The day specifically mentioned in the Torah as the day of atonement is the tenth of Tishrei, Yom Kippur, but the entire ten days from Rosh HaShana until Yom Kippur are...
Aug 25, 2011
By Asher Meir
The Jewish Heritage Experience
The Jewish Heritage Experience
In retrospect, a lot has been said and written about enhancing the Tisha B’Av experience. For many of us the “loss” of our holy places is very abstract; we know that...
Aug 16, 2011
By Joyce Schur
A Nation’s Loss: National Mourning in the Jewish Tradition
A Nation’s Loss: National Mourning in the Jewish Tradition
Grief is a fundamentally individual, transformative emotion. What can it mean to speak about “national grief, or national mourning”? Is there any calamity which a nation suffers that so alters its...
Aug 2, 2011
By Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
A Chronology of Destruction
A Chronology of Destruction
The following is a list of the major events leading up to the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. First Temple 3316: Yehoyakim ben Yoshiyahu becomes King of...
Jul 26, 2011
By Rabbi Shlomo Rottenberg

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