A Cheese-y Chanukah
On Hanukkah, we recount the story of how Mattathias and his sons won a great victory against the Greeks, who tried to impose their own form of religious worship on the...
Dec 18, 2008
By Ronnie Fein

The Latke: New Twists On An Old Favorite
It’s just about Chanukah time again but who says that Chanukah has to be only oil and potatoes? On the other hand, what would Chanukah be without that old time favorite,...
Dec 18, 2008
By Tamar Ansh

Second Thoughts: Candles in the Desert
Fire. It’s a powerful, primal force. Just the word itself gets your adrenalin going, ready to start coursing through your veins! Unconstrained, it is one of the most destructive forces in...
Dec 18, 2008
By Yaffa Ganz

Where Have You Gone Judah Maccabee?
In 1969 Paul Simon wrote the song ‘Mrs. Robinson’ in which he likes to think he helped immortalize Joe DiMaggio with the lyric ‘Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? A nation...
Dec 18, 2008
By Rabbi Bini Maryles

Bright Lights, Big Miracles
“Who has performed for us miracles…in this time.” —Al Hanisim, prayer before lighting the Chanukah menorah) Festively set tables, platters piled high with food and spirits even higher. The door is continuously...
Dec 17, 2008
By Aliza Swift

Hearty Dishes for Hearty Appetites
With winter approaching, hearty foods are satisfying and delicious. Pea Zucchini Soup 6 servings A lovely thick soup of Italian origin, this recipe calls for non-seasonal ingredients. The soup freezes well...
Dec 8, 2008
By Helen Nash

Parashat Vayigash 5768
Parashat Vayigash 5768 Parashat Vayigash – I Feel Your Pain Text Message Responsa Stories of Rabbenu – Our Rabbi: Ha-Rav Tzvi Yehudah Ha-Cohain Kook – Honoring Parents, Netilat Yadayim Shut She’eilat...
Dec 12, 2007
By Rabbi Shlomo Aviner

Mikeitz: Milk Foods
The Rema writes that it is proper to eat cheese at Chanukah because of the miracle that was wrought through milk, when Yehudit gave milk to the enemy leader to make...
Dec 7, 2007
By Asher Meir

Optimalism : A Chanukah View of the World
Upon return from a fundraising trip from America for his Yeshiva, Chachmei Lublin, Rav Meir Schapiro gathered around his students who were eager to comprehend the Jewish mindset of the nyer...
Dec 6, 2007
By Rabbi Asher Brander

Parashat Miketz, Chanukah and Annapolis: A Wonderland
Parshat Miketz, Chanukah and Annapolis 5768 Part One: God’s Signature Part Two: A Wonderland Part One: God’s Signature Often Jewish history presents strange fellow travelers but no stranger than the trilogy...
Dec 6, 2007
By Rabbi Nachman Kahana
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